But because I'm a lazy ass, SuperCherry has been cooking AND washing for as far as I can remember. Which is like all the time...
So I attempted to make it up to him by cooking last weekend.
I didn't want to cook anything too risky in case I end up poisoning him as I've been out of it for almost a year (thanks to SuperCherry being such a darling), so I decided to stick to spaghetti.
Everything moves at twice the speed when SuperCherry is with me! I would have taken an hour to get everything done on my own, plus cost twice as much.
SuperCherry went with me to NTUC in the morning (because I'd so lose my temper if i went there without him) and helped me to choose the most value-for-money items... which I wouldn't have done without him around because I didn't even think of them. Hmm.
Then it was back to his house, where we had an unexpected situation- his family wanted to have some of whatever I was cooking. *gulp* What if they hate it, or I end up causing everyone to have diarrhoea?
Luckily, SuperCherry was there to support me in the kitchen! By the time I finished making the meatballs he already had the spaghetti in the pan, the soup boiling on the stove and the bread buttered and toasted.
Then I couldn't open the stupid cap for the bottle of sauce so I needed his help. Again. And while I was boiling the meatballs and sauce he managed to serve out everything in time for me to pour the sauce over it.
So was it me cooking in the end? I don't know leh. SuperCherry said I was more of doing instructing than cooking. HMPH.
My masterpiece at the end of forty minutes. I didn't take photos of the rest because it was his sister's pre-birthday dinner kinda thing. But we did like 6 people's servings okay!
I suppose everything went fine because nobody got food poisoning. So... Yes, Jerina can cook!