My money also gets let loose.
I spent almost two hundred bucks in TWO DAYS on impulse buys: a pair of converse shoes, two Uniqlo tops and a bracelet from Angelicious Creations.
I think I shouldn't be let out of the house and shopping websites must be banned on my laptop.
Anyway, I finally got to meet up with Jesxeca again today!
She had this crazy urge to go to Tampines One so we met up at about 12PM and took the train there.
(I swear I hate taking trains. Firstly the Singapore summer heat drenches me in sweat, then there are the crying babies, screaming kids, noisy adults, smelly people, old aunties who pretend not to understand arrows, lines and colours, and all those men who refuse to give up seats to people in need. Seems like our country is in serious need of a courtesy campaign.)
Back to the story. Halfway there, we got hungry (it's a one hour plus trip by train OKAY) so we decided to detour to the airport for some yummy Popeyes Chicken. Then halfway through the meal, we decided that we both needed a caffeine boost so we headed to Wang Cai (? Did I get it right?) in T3 for drinks while I gobbled down a couple of soft-boiled eggs. Yum. Yes, now you know I really eat like a pig. I had that immediately after a full fast-food meal.
By the time we hit Tampines One it was already almost 5PM and Jesxeca had lessons at 6.30PM. Booboo. But at least we still managed to grab a couple of pieces each! Guess we're going to have to make another trip there before our holiday ends so we can really go shopping.
=) End of story.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Oh yes you read it right.
Won't bore you with the details. Essentially we drove to Bukit Panjang, parked and started our hike to Bukit Timah, climbed the hill, went back down and got separated and lost in the forest for a while, and walked back to BP. 10KM ok! Cannot call me TOUFU anymore. Hehehe.
The hiking team:

(Anti-clockwise) WonderPrawn, SuperCherry, PigPig, Goldfish, Goldfish's GF HuiHui.
I have to name myself here because I look like shit when I just woke up and without make up, so you guys might not recognise me and blablabla.
T______T I hate taking pictures without make up.
*goes off crying*
*comes back to put moreugly pictures*
Starting out:


Still stairs

More stairs...

Yea I'm still so happy only because we're still in the park next to the estate with a shitload of stairs.

No more stairs!

Starting to sweat after climbing all the damned steps...

Two and a half musketeers, with one wearing boxers to go hiking.
Haha! We took one close-up of Goldfish's butt in boxers but Photobucket automatically didn't load it. Guess it doesn't like people who hike in boxers.
:D (BTW I'm just kidding, it looks like boxers but it isn't OK.)

The path to the stinky garden.

The stinky garden. -_-

Still going...

I thought this was like halfway there hence the triumphant pose...
But we weren't even 20% done yet. -_-

Notice my absence of a bag.
It's because dearest SuperCherry was lugging all my crap in HIS bag.
(I don't have backpack, mah...)

The Cherry and the Pig.

I was following PigPig because the path is damn tiny and it's easy to just follow his steps rather than picking my own.
It's like damn far. Can't see the end of the grassy plains.


More grass.

Into the forest at last!
We were actually on the bike trail... Which means that we had to occasionally leap aside as bicycles going at crazy speeds just whooshed past us without warning.

Forest! I think we were offically in Bukit Timah here, but not at the hill yet.

Uh oh. Split road. Which way are we to go?!?!
Kidding lah. We came from the left side. :P
This photo looks damn photoshopped (but it isn't).

ARGH! We hit the open grassy bits of the route again!
Here is where we see a disparity in SuperCherry and my photo-taking skills.


Of course mine nicer lah!

Lots of wild flowers.
Out of the three guys, only Goldfish plucked any...
HuiHui watch out huh! =X

This slope is where yours truly freaked out and squealed like a mouse while requiring the combined effort of SuperCherry and PigPig to help up.
It's damn bloody high and rocky with small steps to get up lah! And I'm afraid of heights AND slopes. In any other situation I just wouldn't even bother trying...

That's the same slope taken after we climbed up. I was pale-faced and soft-legged for about twenty minutes after.
Stupid slope. *throws a rock at it*

I think I was too traumatised to remember this slope or maybe I just took it without climbing it.

Interesting flowers at the little plateau-like place we were taking a break at.

All sweaty like crap.

That's how blardie far we already walked, behind us.

More grass for us to conquer after our break.

New path to take!

Ribena break!

More grass.

Even more grass.
En route to Bukit Timah Hill, we have to go by road:

Where there are aggressive monkeys.

Which is why Pig Pig is dragging that giant piece of twig along.

The monkeys didn't dare to approach us.

They even ran away!

We saw bamboo!

And also roadkill. Yuck...

Another flower.

We overshot the route and hit the railway.

Proof that I actually walked all the freaking way there.

Finally found our way to Bukit Timah Hill.

Water break!!!!!!!!

Stop taking my picture when I'm hot, tired and look like crap!

Zhuai face.
"Chey, not tired at all. I everyday got exercise one okay!"

Climbing the hill already.............
Steep slope!!

First to reach the shelter after the slope!

Slowpokes. We even had time to camwhore, lor.
(The pictures are too ugly to post though.)

The Pig needed M2M resuscitation after the climb from Goldfish.

See the signboard?
Steep slope okay, I wasn't kidding.
It's worse than climbing stairs lor!
And see Pig's shiok face after M2M with Goldfish.
(Also kidding hor. Later HH and MH kill me.)
We had a choice between the main road and stairs.
Guess which I picked?

I guess studying at SP makes stairs easy peasy for me.
While the below are all graduates and were huffing and puffing all the way up.

Reached the summit already and waiting for the slowpokes to catch up.

I think the little china boy is attempting to shit there.

"Yay! I conquered Mt. Bukit Timah!"
Yeah right. Like the rock so proudly says, it's only 163.63m high.

The Pig and Cherry looking cute together as usual.

A brief siesta at the Summit Hut while the guys check out the route within the hill back to Bukit Panjang... I have no idea which, don't ask me.

Starting off again.
How was I to know that the previous part of the journey was just a taste of what was to come?

Sunlight so bright. My eyes are practically closed!

If you thought I look pale here, you were right.
I was so petrified going down the steep stairs that I actually felt dizzy.
While the happy couple behind me are gloating that neither have a fear of heights.

SuperCherry: "Don't be scared okay, I sayang you!"
WonderPrawn: *quivers in fear*

Happy couple behind us again.
Giordano couple tee some more.
And SuperCherry is obviously putting a lot of effort in hauling me down with one hand.
(I was grasping his arm with BOTH hands.)

I was already going to pass out here but THOSE STAIRS WERE NOTHING.
(And the signboard behind SuperCherry says: UNSAFE PATH AHEAD.)

Stupid stairs that we just came down from.
NOW comes the REALLY harrowing part for me, half conscious. The previous stairs were man-made with metal bits to anchor our feet in; the coming one was just random foot-holds in the trail with lots of slippery leaves covering them. I shrieked at least twenty times going down.

I'm not kidding, the steps were steep. See how far I had to squat to reach the next one?

Oh, look. I'm not the only one who had trouble with that step.
*rolls eyes*

And more downward sloping trails.
I think I was so scared I forgot to be tired.


Diu, why upwards again?!

See, I'm all better when it comes to climbing upstairs!

I think we saw a monitor lizard.

"Waa! Stop taking my picture!"
*runs away quickly*

We're finally at Dairy Farm Hut which means that we're on the right track to Bukit Panjang!
PigPig acting special leh, everyone point at the map he point at the signboard.

Back at BP, going towards the park already. Wee!

Sweaty and chao dar in the car.
(Or so it would be if we didn't meet up with Edwin and get dragged to the coral farms at Pasir Ris... But that is another story.)
Won't bore you with the details. Essentially we drove to Bukit Panjang, parked and started our hike to Bukit Timah, climbed the hill, went back down and got separated and lost in the forest for a while, and walked back to BP. 10KM ok! Cannot call me TOUFU anymore. Hehehe.
The hiking team:
(Anti-clockwise) WonderPrawn, SuperCherry, PigPig, Goldfish, Goldfish's GF HuiHui.
I have to name myself here because I look like shit when I just woke up and without make up, so you guys might not recognise me and blablabla.
T______T I hate taking pictures without make up.
*goes off crying*
*comes back to put more
Starting out:
Still stairs
More stairs...
Yea I'm still so happy only because we're still in the park next to the estate with a shitload of stairs.
No more stairs!
Starting to sweat after climbing all the damned steps...
Two and a half musketeers, with one wearing boxers to go hiking.
Haha! We took one close-up of Goldfish's butt in boxers but Photobucket automatically didn't load it. Guess it doesn't like people who hike in boxers.
:D (BTW I'm just kidding, it looks like boxers but it isn't OK.)
The path to the stinky garden.
The stinky garden. -_-
Still going...
I thought this was like halfway there hence the triumphant pose...
But we weren't even 20% done yet. -_-
Notice my absence of a bag.
It's because dearest SuperCherry was lugging all my crap in HIS bag.
(I don't have backpack, mah...)
The Cherry and the Pig.
I was following PigPig because the path is damn tiny and it's easy to just follow his steps rather than picking my own.
It's like damn far. Can't see the end of the grassy plains.
More grass.
Into the forest at last!
We were actually on the bike trail... Which means that we had to occasionally leap aside as bicycles going at crazy speeds just whooshed past us without warning.
Forest! I think we were offically in Bukit Timah here, but not at the hill yet.
Uh oh. Split road. Which way are we to go?!?!
Kidding lah. We came from the left side. :P
This photo looks damn photoshopped (but it isn't).
ARGH! We hit the open grassy bits of the route again!
Here is where we see a disparity in SuperCherry and my photo-taking skills.
Of course mine nicer lah!
Lots of wild flowers.
Out of the three guys, only Goldfish plucked any...
HuiHui watch out huh! =X
This slope is where yours truly freaked out and squealed like a mouse while requiring the combined effort of SuperCherry and PigPig to help up.
It's damn bloody high and rocky with small steps to get up lah! And I'm afraid of heights AND slopes. In any other situation I just wouldn't even bother trying...
That's the same slope taken after we climbed up. I was pale-faced and soft-legged for about twenty minutes after.
Stupid slope. *throws a rock at it*
I think I was too traumatised to remember this slope or maybe I just took it without climbing it.
Interesting flowers at the little plateau-like place we were taking a break at.
All sweaty like crap.
That's how blardie far we already walked, behind us.
More grass for us to conquer after our break.
New path to take!
Ribena break!
More grass.
Even more grass.
En route to Bukit Timah Hill, we have to go by road:
Where there are aggressive monkeys.
Which is why Pig Pig is dragging that giant piece of twig along.
The monkeys didn't dare to approach us.
They even ran away!
We saw bamboo!
And also roadkill. Yuck...
Another flower.
We overshot the route and hit the railway.
Proof that I actually walked all the freaking way there.
Finally found our way to Bukit Timah Hill.
Water break!!!!!!!!
Stop taking my picture when I'm hot, tired and look like crap!
Zhuai face.
"Chey, not tired at all. I everyday got exercise one okay!"
Climbing the hill already.............
Steep slope!!
First to reach the shelter after the slope!
Slowpokes. We even had time to camwhore, lor.
(The pictures are too ugly to post though.)
The Pig needed M2M resuscitation after the climb from Goldfish.
See the signboard?
Steep slope okay, I wasn't kidding.
It's worse than climbing stairs lor!
And see Pig's shiok face after M2M with Goldfish.
(Also kidding hor. Later HH and MH kill me.)
We had a choice between the main road and stairs.
Guess which I picked?
I guess studying at SP makes stairs easy peasy for me.
While the below are all graduates and were huffing and puffing all the way up.
Reached the summit already and waiting for the slowpokes to catch up.
I think the little china boy is attempting to shit there.
"Yay! I conquered Mt. Bukit Timah!"
Yeah right. Like the rock so proudly says, it's only 163.63m high.
The Pig and Cherry looking cute together as usual.
A brief siesta at the Summit Hut while the guys check out the route within the hill back to Bukit Panjang... I have no idea which, don't ask me.
Starting off again.
How was I to know that the previous part of the journey was just a taste of what was to come?
Sunlight so bright. My eyes are practically closed!
If you thought I look pale here, you were right.
I was so petrified going down the steep stairs that I actually felt dizzy.
While the happy couple behind me are gloating that neither have a fear of heights.
SuperCherry: "Don't be scared okay, I sayang you!"
WonderPrawn: *quivers in fear*
Happy couple behind us again.
Giordano couple tee some more.
And SuperCherry is obviously putting a lot of effort in hauling me down with one hand.
(I was grasping his arm with BOTH hands.)
I was already going to pass out here but THOSE STAIRS WERE NOTHING.
(And the signboard behind SuperCherry says: UNSAFE PATH AHEAD.)
Stupid stairs that we just came down from.
NOW comes the REALLY harrowing part for me, half conscious. The previous stairs were man-made with metal bits to anchor our feet in; the coming one was just random foot-holds in the trail with lots of slippery leaves covering them. I shrieked at least twenty times going down.
I'm not kidding, the steps were steep. See how far I had to squat to reach the next one?
Oh, look. I'm not the only one who had trouble with that step.
*rolls eyes*
And more downward sloping trails.
I think I was so scared I forgot to be tired.
Diu, why upwards again?!
See, I'm all better when it comes to climbing upstairs!
I think we saw a monitor lizard.
"Waa! Stop taking my picture!"
*runs away quickly*
We're finally at Dairy Farm Hut which means that we're on the right track to Bukit Panjang!
PigPig acting special leh, everyone point at the map he point at the signboard.
Back at BP, going towards the park already. Wee!
Sweaty and chao dar in the car.
(Or so it would be if we didn't meet up with Edwin and get dragged to the coral farms at Pasir Ris... But that is another story.)
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