This entry is supposed to be dated 2nd July which was the last day of my exams.
I met up with my usual post-exam celebration dude, Wei Leen, and we headed to Dempsey for our favourite Ben & Jerry's (yes, before dinner cuz we are so powerful) and slacked there until we got too cold from the ice cream and the air conditioning.
We were going to try the indian food at Samy's Curry but I didn't think I'd be comfortable with the food so we headed to the Red Dot Brewhouse for dinner and drinks instead.
I was also trying to rush out pictures for my GEMS submission the day after so here are my attempted artsy-fartsy shots. (I guess I'm not meant to be a photographer after all; it's totally out of my league and I'm the first to admit it!)
Evening sky
The one that I eventually used for submission
I think Wei Leen took this
I must have been taking too many pictures at an awkward angle, because ALL the ang-mors are totally looking into my camera!! *PAISEH*
Very blurry shot of our cod with salmon roe and caviar.
It was taken by Wei Leen and I laughed at him for having shaky hands...
... And took this instead. -_- backfire, no?
Why does yummy beef always look like crap in photos? =(
Another attempt for an artsy shoot by my student Wei Leen. LOL
Wei Leen's monstrous green beer and my wine hiding behind it.
I just realised this picture actually looks not bad leh. Hor??
We concluded our (late) night out with various failed attempts to hail a taxi outside Dempsey. Advice for people going there without a car: wait for a cab near the U-turn!
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