Monday, June 21, 2010


Wahaha! Don't know why I am so high now. I am *SURE* it has nothing to do with just reaching level 110 in MapleStory. ><

Uhh, so yeah. My beloved managed to psycho me to play MapleStory again in Delphinus... and err, actually, he has made life really easy for me in here especially for levelling fast.

Let's take a look at the timeline:

Day 1- Creation to Level 8
Day 2- Level 8 to 24
Day 3- Level 24 to 30
Day 4- Level 30 to 51
*One week hiatus due to work, leveled to 53 by BF*
Day 5- Level 53 to 81 with 2x EXP
Day 6- Level 81 to 112 with 2x EXP
*One week hiatus due to going to JB, leveled to 114 by BF*
Day 7- Level 114 to 132 with 2x EXP
Day 8- Hunt for Skill Book Quest, leveled to 133 :)
Day 9- Level 133 to 140 with 2x EXP
Day 10 & 11- Level 140 to 151 with 2x EXP
Day 12- Level 151 to 154 with 2x EXP
Day 13- Level 154 to 156 with 2x EXP

So technically I took about 6-7 days to reach Level 110.
Fast right?!?!?!
I can't believe I took like 9 months to reach Level 105 in Aquila... BAH.
What an effing waste of time. It's so much more fun here!
Some more the items and potions are all sponsored by my beloved.. AWW. Thanks so much for making my damage so awesome! ^_^

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