Monday, March 21, 2011


Hey, I'm not slow on the news but I just didn't want to blog about stuff that makes me sad.

But so far all I've seen of the abused dog, Wander, have been pictures, so there wasn't much to say except the abuser was an inhumane jerk, etc etc etc.

I just watched a short video of Wander and she's so tame and cute despite her terrible injuries.. It broke my heart just to see it. I wonder how mankind came to produce someone so heartless and cruel to do that to a lovely, though stray dog.

I really hope someone saw him doing the deed and will now come forward for the $10,000 reward to freaking land the abuser's ass in hot shit!!
(Maybe his friend has been hiding the news to protect him but will turn greedy? I really hope so!)

And I also hope that in future when I've got my own place I'll be able to get a dog that's just as calm and easygoing as Wander.


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