I wore low heels today cuz Kai Long is like 183cm tall or something and I DON'T WANNA BE LOWER THAN HIS SHOULDER but I think I still was so meh. And I walked until my left big toe had this gigantic blister which broke immediately and peeled off- almost the entire toe. Owwie. All in the name of love and looks. Cherry Prince always says that I am "ai mei bu yao ming". Yeah quite true. =D
So here are the buys:
From Funan IT Mall
Norton Antivirus (for my mum)
New mouse! (in case mine spoils from spamming clicks during DotA)
Micro SD! (for my SE K800i)
From Suntec
Champagne Nama Chocolate
Marshmallow with white chocolate
Secret item! =D (can't let Cherry Prince know hehe)
From City Link
Tiramisu Parfait
Which is half-eaten in this photo cuz the hungry Cherry Prince was starving to death waiting for me to have dinner with him and gobbled up half of it while I was in the washroom. It's that good! ^^
Exotic Somethingy Parfait
I forgot, sorry. It's a mixture of fruits, including raspberry on top and mango somewhere in between and I can't remember the rest. Of course I got it just for Cherry Prince. =D It was pretty good too!
Total spendage: $208 T_T
DAMN LA why do I seem to spend so bloody much everytime even after controlling?! HMPH.
I didn't expect Kai Long to be such a good shopping kaki man! The poor dude was dragged by me into the weirdest shops to look at the weirdest things plus he was very VERY gentlemanly (unlike most Singaporean guys, EXCLUDING CHERRY PRINCE <3) and offered to carry my shopping and bag for me.
He commented that carrying my bag is like training weights though. I checked what's inside but there's nothing much leh!
1) Glasses
2) Shades
3) Wallet with lots of coins (ok that's a little heavy)
4) Some make up
6) Phone + pouch + strap (that's heavy too)
7) Cigarette holder holding various cards (heavy?)
If I'm not wrong that's all leh! How come so heavy one? My back was aching lor!
Ok I sidetracked. I wanted to take photos with/of Kai Long but he insist that his face will make my camera spoil so I can't promote him on my blog. He's single, available, and very gentlemanly! (Haha if he sees this he's gonna kill me.)
And I ate very little today cuz KL is on a diet (yeah WTF diet?!) so I only had a shroom meal at KFC and stole some of his fries plus the drink he didn't wanna drink cuz of the diet at BK. FAST FOOD BOLEH!
KL has the same problem as me leh! He thinks he's fat and skinny at the same time... One moment he's on a diet, next moment he tells me he needs to eat more so his shoulder will look broader. What's a guy to do in this situation? I don't know too lol. He has big bones but little flesh so he's skinny but he thinks he looks fat and I have small bones but a LOT of flesh so I LOOK thin but actually I'm damn fat. WTF. -_-
P.S. I didn't go anywhere yesterday but woke up at 5.30PM and went to Cherry Prince's house for brunch/dinner and some Stephen Chow. ^^
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