Since my last update I've been kinda busy PLUS someone got a little pissy that I didn't mention him in the blog soooo.. My next entry will be about the people around me! Plus I have another zillion things running through my mind to blog but weekends are for spending quality time~ And I'm going out to town tomorrow so I better sleep early tonight too.
So what have I been doing since Friday? Here goes:
My Cherry Prince ™ helped me to drill my wall so that I can put hooks for my bags! My room is still in a state of packing-in-progress cause I have got too darn many things and I'm allergic to dust so my work rate is super duper uber slow. Zz. Luckily my Cherry Prince helped me pack and my progress zoomed from like 15% to 60% within a few hours!
I feel so loserish cause I took like ... 3 days to get to 15%... Plus I got rashes all over in the process. T_T Now my room looks like a bag shop... I've got about 10 bags hanging behind my door and on my wall. So neat! And my room floor can be cleaned easily now. YAYYY. Oh.. He also mopped the floor for me.
I am like this damn gu niang who doesn't do any housework man. See, I can't pack cause I'm allergic to dust, then I can't wash plates/handwash clothes cause my hands are allergic to detergent and will start peeling terrifically the moment I touch it. Like that win liao lor, become gu niang cannot do housework. Anyway I suppose Cherry Prince has already resigned himself to the fact that I'm a lazy ass who probably wouldn't do much housework if I'm not allergic anyway....... So good for me. Hehehe.
After packing and a shower is DOTA TIME!! This used to be a nightly routine man. With Cherry Prince's friends Goldfish (Jinyu) and Pig (Ah Te?). But then they got busy with projects and work so we ended up not playing or playing with another friend called Wind (actually his name is FENG but I like Wind cause english more atas haha).
Okay, I sidetracked. On Saturday night we decided to play shuffle player cos everyone got sick of being killed by Cherry Prince (ya la you zai la I know) and I'm always on the same team as him so of course they also get killed by me and they are so bu gan yuan to get killed by a girl! (GUY EGO WHAT THE HELL -_-)
So I ended teamed up with Pigpig lots of times... And in one of the games my LOA was gonna get his ass pwned by the Cherry Prince's Hussar dude... I really almost died when suddenly PIGPIG sacrificed his Axe's life for me leh!! I AM SUPER TOUCHEDED!! O_O I don't know why I feel the need to blog about this. I think it's cos someone got all jealous and huffy when I wouldn't let him see what I said to Pig so it's just damn amusing to me. Pardon me if it was boring =D
(BTW Cherry Prince made a wild guess and assumed that I wanted to 'yi sheng xiang qu' BUT IT WASN'T THAT YOU DUMBDUMB. Just don't want to tell you leh... Bleah ><)
P.S. Pigpig always asks me to kick Cherry Prince off the bed when he's trying to kill us both... But I am a very nice *cough cough* girl and I don't do things like that! O_O *blinks innocently*
Sunday (today)
As per normal for piggy me, I slept well into the day and awoke at around 2-3pm. Yeah I said I'm piggy already.. Not to mention the amount I eat. I was supposed to go for dance class with a friend (Hilda) today but she couldn't meet me to go together and I am a super terrible road idiot (lu chi) so Cherry Prince had to send me to class. And he totally rotted there for 2 hours waiting for me to send me home cos I don't know the way home either. T_T Super sweet of you! <3
After watching a show by Stephen Chow at Cherry Prince's house (his house has every Stephen Chow movie ever made, and I don't know why) its DOTA TIME!!! Today was shuffle player again and I seem to have some affinity with Pigpig but he doesn't like me today so we rematched and I got Goldfish. Goldfish hates me cos I killed his Veno the second time I played DOTA (see, guy ego again) and it was a pretty terrible game. PIGPIG WAS CHASING ME LIKE HE HATES ME AND HE TOTALLY PWNED MY OMNIKNIGHT WITH HIS STUPID SPRITBREAKER. I no longer feel any gratitude for him saving my ass the previous day. HMPH.
Okay that's about it for the last two days.. I mean my life isn't all about packing, television and DOTA but I don't think anyone wants to know about what I eat, what brand of shampoo I use or whatever right? (If you do please don't come near me you freaky stalker =S)
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