I used to find life boring and meaningless. It's like living for nothing. Then I found friends (and boyfriends, now ex-es, whatever. That is something I will never mention in this blog again.) But then we graduate, or in my case, change schools, and even the best friends can be lost. People just come and go in my life, everyone's life and as much as I miss them, we can never bridge the distance again like before and when we meet up once more all that is in the atmosphere is awkwardness. It came to the point where I decided not to put effort in relationships anymore because people just don't appreciate what they have, what you do for them, they just throw you aside, wipe their ass and leave, whether they know your heart bleeds or not.
I used to play the game MapleStory when I was younger (lame I know). But it is fortunate that I played, fortunate that I was bored enough to chat to party quest members to the point of finding out that one of them studies in the same school as me (SP) and has the same surname as me (Loh). It is because of the game MapleStory that I got to know my friend and 'brother' Raymond Loh. But why is it fortunate? Because one day, I met Raymond in school before my Taekwondo training and while chatting with him, he pointed out his classmate to me. I turned around to see a very cute guy waving very cutely to me. The three of us had lunch together the next day to discover that the very same cute guy stays four blocks away from me. -_-"
The three of us started going to gym together, and because the cute guy stays so near me we always go to school and come home together. One day after dinner, we sat down and started a discussion about our favourite foods. I asked the cute guy to guess what was mine. After more than 10 hints and practically telling him the answer, I realised that he really really really sucks at guessing games. Double -_-". As you could have guessed by now, my favourite food is a fruit called CHERRY and the cute guy mentioned in the post is CHERRY PRINCE and his favourite food is a seafood called PRAWN and I'm the PRINCESS PRAWN. And the CHERRY PRINCE is someone who I hope will never walk out of my life. Of course, this blog is public so these are the only names I will be putting up here. Btw, I don't have to continue the story to show how it leads to the relationship right? Just watch some dramas or something to know how it goes. =D
Okay, storytime is over, now is .... NOT DOTA TIME!!!! (for once!) It's photo time!

I can hardly find a photo where we both look nice together cause we're not very photogenic but this is one of the better ones AND MY STUPID TONGUE PIERCING CLOSED DAMNIT T_T

Ya ya you play your soccer game I'm gonna EAT YOU UP bwahaha I love cherry =DD
Actually I've got a lot of his cute photos cos
BTW his eyes always seem red... Because he ALWAYS accompanies me even if he's dead tired. Double <33. =D
And they lived happily ever after. THE END.
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