Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Firstly, the fucking school web mail last night. Switch to Windows Live Hotmail for fuck? I can't even fucking login after fucking resetting my password 4 times and clearing my damn cookies. And now I gotta re-login to every fucking site I visit that needs a login ID and password. Fuck you school web mail. Fuck you with something hard and sandpapery.

Secondly, my bloody results.


Can I kill? My FA can't even be pushed for a DIST? I attended every single bloody tutorial for once la! Fucking hell. Carry GEMS teacher's balls like fuck also no DIST. But then again I got lucky for RWPS, MA1, CRM and BFI. Then the ECM. Dan qiang pi ma for the projects until no time to sleep, eat or shit. B+.

The best part? My previous shitty GPA from year 1 is about 2.6. By right you average a 3.4 with 2.6 isn't it a 3. Give me a 3 happy a bit right. I got a fucking 2.8+. What, 6 months of craziness just for a 0.2 improvement?!! FUCK YOU LA! CCB.

P.S. I know the picture is too damn small to see anything. That's kind of like the point.

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