It is a big problem indeed. It's so bad that Cherry Prince, sweet as he is, sometimes in the heat of a DotA game, can get exasperated with me for getting lost in the game map (which is very hard to get lost in for a normal human being).
Let's put things into perspective.
I'm so bad at directions that:
1) I stay at Block XX2. I went to the next block, XX1, to pass my friend her birthday present and couldn't find my way back home. I had to walk to Lot 1 and back to be able to get home. -_-
2) Cherry Prince stays in the same estate at Block XX6. I get lost on the way to his house and take big detours to reach there.
3) I always walk into Block XX4 and think that I've arrived at Cherry Prince's block.
4) I get lost in DotA.
5) After playing DotA for months, I still cannot find the secret shop without asking myself at least 5 times where it is and asking Cherry Prince one time and getting his frustrated answer.
6) When I get the Scourge side of DotA I take up to 2-3 minutes to buy my item because everything is inverse and I cannot find the items I want. -_-
7) When I play Tower Defense I don't know how to build the maze.
8) When Cherry Prince builds the maze for me in the TD I cannot figure out where the creep will walk. -_-|||
9) I get lost in SP.
10) I get lost in my estate.
11) I cannot take a bus on my own without having a panic attack trying to figure out which stop to get off.
12) When I arrive at places from a different direction I cannot figure out which way to walk, and will end up going home or to a landmark and walking back from there. Which is like walking a huge triangle usually.
13) After going to the same place for 18 years (example, from my god-parent's home to my grandparent's home), I still cannot figure out how to go there by myself.
14) After going to my student's house more than 30 times, he still had to pick me up from the LRT station even though he only stays 1-2 minute's walk from it.
15) I have to say North, South, West, East before I can figure out where the heck is West. (Why does everyone say North South EAST West anyway?)
There you go... Everyone has an internal compass somewhere but I think mine has a magnet stuck to it. Everywhere is North to me.
Put me in a room that I've never been into within your house and I won't be able to locate your room.
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