Well, Cherry Prince just went home to sleep cuz he's got work tomorrow. Meh!
Here's how his birthday went!
12AM: DotA-ing with Pigpig versus AI. Forgot to wish him happy birthday. T_T
1AM: Ended DotA. Got accused for not remembering to wish him a happy birthday... So I wished him lor. T_T
Time to cook noodles to eat cuz we're hungry pigs!
2AM: Finished noodles and time to sleep! Cherry Prince is staying over cuz we're supposed to go to the wet market at 7.30AM to get steamboat items! Whee~!
7AM: WTF. Raining. No need to go buy food liao. Back to sleep. Zzz.
9.30AM: Woke up in a hurry because the neighbour's house is starting renovation. SHITTTT. PREPARE EVACUATION!! (I was thinking "excavation" for a minute but I'm no fossilised prawn~ I'm tired okay! It's 2AM 25th September now!)
10AM: EVACUATION SUCCESSFUL. Safely arrived at Cherry Prince's house. His mum commented, "Wah, today wake up so early ar you?" Shit man I'm so famous for waking up damn late. -_-
10.30AM: Breakfast of eggs and prawns cooked by Cherry Prince. I know he's the birthday boy but I can't tahan frying stuff la! I'd be like standing one metre away, holding a pan lid as a shield and throwing stuff into the wok to avoid the steam and splattering oil. T_T
11AM: Watched Stephen Chow on PPS!
1PM: Time to cut the cake! Jia Ping tried to bluff us that she only bought this crappy chocolate roll (which got attacked by ants) but actually she bought this Hello Kitty (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW WTFFFFF LUCKY NOT MY BIRTHDAY SIA) cake from Polar.

The crappy ant-infested chocolate roll.

Hello Kitty (EEEEEEWWWWW) Polar cake.

Hey I hate HK but it was Jia Hui who stabbed its eyes okay! I'm innocent! T_T

Even more sadistic. Cherry Prince stabbed its ***** as well.
NO PHOTOS of Cherry Prince cutting the cake and stuff because he was topless and I'm SELFISH BWAHAHA.
Lots more photos were taken but with Jia Ping's camera so I'll update again when I get them from her. =) They took so many crazy photos especially with their parents la OMG. It was more of taking photos than cutting of the cake and singing the birthday song. -_-
I didn't really know what to call him during the song leh. Should I sing "Cherry Prince" or "Cherry Hubby" or other names that I call him? I took too long to decide and ended up leaving it blank. =(
1.30PM: Time for Big 2! They are like some gambling freaks la. 10 cents for one card and double for more than 10 cards! I haven't played Big 2 since Sec 1 so I just decided to watch. Cherry and his two sisters as well as Jia Ping's BF played... And I sneakily took the chance to run to his room and blog the birthday message right at the top of this post. =)
2PM: I just finished blogging when Cherry Prince thought I was mad at him for leaving me alone while he was playing Big 2 so he came to his room to accompany me. I look suitably unperturbed so he didn't notice that I blogged already. Hehe! Couldn't find more Stephen Chow to watch on PPS so we decided to sleep cuz our sleep was damn interrupted in the morning. Grr.
5PM: Was enjoying a weird dream about a movie starring Stephen Chow and Donnie Yen when Cherry Prince jerked awake from another weird dream (shall not elaborate cuz it's too darn long) and realised that we hardly had time to prepare to go out for dinner so he took a super quick shower while I used my hurricane skill to pack his room a little and chose clothes for him... Cuz he doesn't know where I'm bringing him! Hehe~ So happens that my neighbour's renovation stops at 5PM. GOOD.
6PM: After my shower + make-up and changing into what Cherry Prince picked for me to wear, we rushed off to Clark Quay! BTW I love asking Cherry to choose clothes for me because I tend to stick to the combinations I've done before and it gets boring so it's refreshing when I see new combinations! =)
7PM: Reached Clark Quay. The instructions I got when I reserved the table for two was to "You know the Clark Quay the 'ma3 tou2' nearby Hooters that one, then you take the River Taxi to our restaurant... It's free one, our restaurant arrange for you already, you will have two free tickets to take it, two of our staff will be there to meet you okay?", because the roads are all closed up for the upcoming F1 race this weekend.
I went to both the booths for River Taxis and couldn't find a shit from Seafood Paradise. KNNBCCB. Made a call to their restaurant after that long and sweaty walk (with make up and dressed up?! I FUCKING HATE THAT) and heard this: "Oh, erm, our person not there liao cuz the people there not happy! *laughter in background*"
Angry Jerina: "Then how the **** you expect me to get there now?!"
Idiot staff: "Oh, you go the ma tou there the Hooters nearby that River Taxi, free one, then can come our restaurant liao. Our people not there because ... erm... got zhuang4 kuang4..."
Angry Jerina: *kaps*
Why I kap her phone? Because that River Taxi ALL ALONG WAS FREE and there is a maximum capacity of 56 people on it and you have to wait 40 minutes for the next one and there was like this bloody FUCKLOAD of people waiting there. WTFKNNBCCB HONG GAN CAN! YOU TELL ME WHAT FREE TICKET YOU ARRANGE ALREADY! YOU BELIEVE I GO BURN DOWN YOUR BLOODY FUCKING RESTAURNT ANOT! NABEH. FUCK OFF LA BLOODY SEAFOOD PARALANJIAO.
*breathes in deeply* On to happier things!
7.30PM: Cherry Prince was already hungry when we arrived at Clark Quay plus I was already fucking angry and didn't wanna go to the restaurant by taxi so we decided to have something at Clark Quay itself. We almost went to a Chinese restaurant but Cherry Prince suddenly mentioned that he wanted to eat steak and we were walking right past the Steakhouse so of course his wish was granted and in we went!
Warning: Photos are extremely dark and look terrible because the place damn atas and I'm damn paiseh to use flash cuz the initial lighting my phone camera has already drew attention to us. T_T But the food is fucking good! If the pictures show half-eaten food it's because it smelt too good and we attacked it before remembering to take photos. Hehe~
Our drinks arrived first.
He had a Leffe Brun beer which I didn't take a photo of but it's pretty good. Better than almost all the beer I've had (except maybe Asahi), with higher than usual alcohol content and a grainy aftertaste. Cherry Prince claims that it tastes better than Tiger beer but Carlsberg is still better.

My lime margarita on the rocks. <3 I love it but Cherry says it's too strong. Meh weakling. Bleahhh. =P

French onion soup with crouton that we shared. It's pretty good but the crouton takes the cake. Tasteh!

Appetizer of scallops wrapped in ham. Damn tender, juicy, and chewy. Delicious!
Cherry's initial reaction was "sibei hao chi leh!" (fucking good in my terms) but after that mentioned that the bacon overrides the taste of the scallop. (He needs more taste practice cuz I can taste the two perfectly well =x)
Main course: Airflown Black Angus Beef

My medium rare fillet mignon (lady's serving 200g) which was super super super tender and fragrant. Cherry finds it super tender, thinks it's more fragrant and sort of prefers it over his order (I ordered for him).

Cherry Prince's medium ribeye steak (men's serving 300g) WHICH WAS SO DAMN FREAKING GOOD! I have always loved the ribeye cut which is why I ordered it for him. It's juicy and tender and every bite or chew just brings out an explosion of flavour. I was floating in the air when he gave me my favourite fatty parts. *swoons* We could have swapped dishes cuz we both preferred each others' but we ended up sharing both. <3

Creme brulee for dessert! I was trying this out to see if there's any difference between this and the one I eat at Delifrance (which is comparatively crappy now). Second trip to me floating in the air! They topped it with chopped and flavoured strawberry and blueberries. Eaten together with the caramelised suger on top and the damn tasty custard below, even Cherry Prince said it's damn good! WOOT!
Cherry Prince felt full by now and I wanted more dessert elsewhere so we decided to make a move. He suggested going to Eski Bar so we asked for the bill and... Cherry nearly hyperventilated. (Lucky it's my treat)
Total damage: SGD 191.85 (@#$^&^%$#@#$ GST AND SERVICE CHARGE!!!)
9PM: Took a stroll from Clark Quay to Boat Quay.
BTW if anyone passes out from the ugliness of my face in these photos let me know and I'll remove them okay. T_T

Camwhoring at Clark Quay

Camwhoring at Boat Quay
9.15PM: Found Eski Bar! No photos of our drinks cuz we were too excited! His sisters happened to be shopping nearby at City Hall so we called them over to join us~

Cherry and me

Cherry, me, Jia Ping, Jia Hui
(I'm the only one with small eyes, damn)

The girls acting as bartenders before we got 'scolded' by the staff
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