Friday, September 5, 2008

Things I wish I had, like NOW

1. A dust cloth that EATS DUST and never has to be washed.
I'm so sick of running to the toilet every few minutes to wash my stupid dust cloth that has to be washed 2-3 times per cupboard slot due to the 5 years' accumulation of dust!

2. Shelves that have the exact size slots for all my bits and pieces.
Fat hope. I have the weirdest items in my room and they are just all over any available surface in my room. I NEED A HDB FLAT FOR ITEMS IN MY ROOM.

3. Bookshelf
I just learnt how to REALLY leopard crawl while wiping dust out of the bottom of my cupboard. My books need a more respectable place to rest. BTW I think I've got muscle ache from wiping dust. PLUS I almost killed myself trying to stack stuff up on the super high shelves at the top of my built in cupboard. The designer must be crazy. While standing on a stool, I had to be at least 1.85 or 1.9m in height to be able to see what the fuck is inside the top shelf and wipe it. I just gave it a pass after swiping the edge of it then stuffed everything back in. -_-

4. Gas mask? Make it a space suit.
I am allergic to dust inside and out AND THE DUST IS FREAKING KILLING ME. And I'm not even one fifth of the way done yet.

5. Hooks on my door and wall.
I have a gazillion bags lying around on my room floor and its just damn hard to clean not to mention unsightly. But my brain leaks worse than a fishnet and I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS forget to go get them. DAMNNNN.

6. Clothes rack for my bathroom.
There isn't any available surface for a girl to put her clothes on in that bathroom man. Why? Cause it used to be used by my two brothers while I use my parents' bathroom (which means I 'chop' the whole room while I shower hence no need for space to put clothes in the bathroom anyway). But since things are different now... I want a clothes rack in MY bathroom. Hehehe. I am currently using a very unglam way to put down my clothes while I shower - A STOOL. And when the part-time maid comes, she takes it out. When my dad cleans his aquarium, he takes it out. And that's like 4 days in a week total so when I shower I have to like go in and out of the loo just to get my stupid stool back in. Sometimes I even have to hunt all over the house for it. WTF?! NO SYSTEM CAN. I am DULAN. I WANT MY CLOTHES RACK.

P.S. Eh I just realised my toilet wall is all TILES so I can't have my clothes rack... damn =(

7. Bigger room, walk-in wardrobe...
Yeah when I strike 4D then talk about that. For now I think I urgently need an IKEA + DIY shopping trip. LETSSSSSSSSSS GO BABEHHHHHHHHHHH! <3

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