Of course, my weekend was spent celebrating birthdays (again, hehe!) so I couldn't find the time to update.
Let's start with Saturday!
Cherry Prince and I were supposed to head to CCK stadium gym with Edwin and Jian Wei but all of us had a late night so we ended up slacking... (and I ate so much on Friday night cuz I thought I was going to gym! Shitttt.)
Woke up "early" around 11 or 12 and headed to Cherry's house to wait for Edwin to pick us up to go to Sheng Siong to buy live prawns! Woot. I also picked up mayonnaise (WHY NTUC DON'T HAVE LA!) and a bottle of Gordon's for Allan's BBQ birthday bash later. Reached Cherry's house at about 2PM... Only to realise that his house doesn't have any more hua tiao jiu to make drunken prawn. =(
Never mind! Remember all those leftover Carlsberg from Cherry's BBQ? We dumped 1/3 of the prawns into 2 cans of Carlsberg AND THEY WERE SPLASHING ALL OVER LIKE CRAZY. I was shrieking like some gu niang and even jumped and split beer on the floor la. -_- Throw face.
Here are the boys preparing the prawns:

Cherry Prince washing the prawns

Edwin thinking hard how to cook the prawns with beer
By the way, they are both sadistic animal torturers. -_- I'm a freshwater prawn la but those prawns also my distant relatives ma... They were like laughing sadistically at the twitching prawns and doing other random things to them la. T_T *moves away from them*
Here are the before photos of the cooked prawns:

Two plates of non-alcoholic prawns

One plate of drunken-in-beer prawns

Cherry Prince munching happily
And the aftermath:

My pile of prawn armor

Cherry Prince's pile
And Edwin's pile was like ours combined but I had no chance to take photos cuz he cleared up damn fast while I was eating. And my pile is so small because I'm super lousy at de-shelling prawns la. I'm used to people doing it for me! T_T Now is my payback lor, get to eat so little... Okay la, I cheated a little. Cherry did peel some prawns for me and their shells are in HIS pile. ^^

A few leftover prawns made into mayonnaise prawn. Yum!

The beer used to make the prawns drunk
Edwin left really really fast so after the prawn feast Cherry Prince and I had half a round of Stephen Chow before leaving for my house... To prepare for Allan's (SOFTGAY!!!) BBQ! Wee!
Actually Allan is the only one I know at his BBQ (and it was our first time meeting up, long story) and there were lots and lots of people there so he didn't have much time to entertain me. It was a long way to Pasir Ris too... Fortunately, Cherry Prince went with me! Loves. He even sponsored a bottle of Jim Beam Black as Allan's birthday present cuz I'm running low on funds for this month. Lots of birthdays!
Cherry Prince also gave a lesson on starting the BBQ fire to Soft Gay's commando friend Wang Jia. I don't get it... Commando don't know how to set BBQ fire one meh? -___-
To cut a long story short, let's allow photos to say their thousand words!

Hardogay and softgay! HOO~!

Prawn Princess and Cherry Prince
Those are the only photos we had time to take because the rest of the time was spent eating the buffet and BBQ-ed food, peng-ing stuff on the BBQ to eat, and MAKING SOFT GAY A DRUNK SOFT GAY. Cherry Prince is damn pro at making people drunk. He mixed gin, Jim Beam and Carlsberg to let my gay partner drink la! I was giggling all the way through the drinking and was the slowest of the lot. -_-
On to today! 29 September 2008
Woke up DAMN EARLY at 8.45AM to accompany Cherry Prince to his weekly Sunday street soccer routine in school. @_@ I didn't get much sleep the night before because I was burning hot from all that beer and liquor (and I didn't drink much? WTF) until after 6AM. Cherry Prince called me at 9AM and sounded damn impressed that I was already awake. *proud* Just for you baby! ^^
I thought I could sit somewhere shady and cool to watch the match but I WAS WRONG. Instead of the court I had thought they would be using, they ended up using the one at the school stadium. Man. I was getting half my body roasted just from watching them because the sun was so bloody hot and reflecting off the floor so I ended up playing games on my phone until the battery went DEAD. And it was so damn hot even in the shade I was praying for wind every few seconds! Grr. They ended at about 1PM (3 hours of phone games anyone?) and I was totally dripping with sweat so I decided to shower in school. Luckily my Cherry Prince sacrificed half his towel for my sake. <3
Back to Cherry Prince's house for another half a round of Stephen Chow before I went home again, this time to prepare for Jesxeca's birthday dinner! =)
She was supposed to meet me at 6.30PM at Clark Quay MRT but was LATE by half an hour so I spent the time playing handphone games (AGAIN!!!!!) in Central. Best part is, her friend dropped her off at Clark Quay itself so she had to take a damn bloody long walk to find me at Central.
Dinner was on me at SUN with MOON!

Her drink which is apple and mango vinegar. Tastes like fruit punch and the vinegar isn't sour. It's not bad actually!

My red breeze which is raspberry with watermelon and soda and something.
I said our drinks look like gay partners.
Jesxeca said our drinks are proportionate to our heights, and in addition, my drink is trying to act tall by putting on a watermelon slice to make it the same height as her drink which is the same as me wearing heels to be the same height as her. WTF! -_-

Our salmon teriyaki roll (again). No need to comment because I already commented on it before.

Our salmon sashimi. Yumyum.
It's all salmon cuz Jesx is a salmon (and sashimi) person and it's her (belated) birthday dinner so it's her call! =)
Total spendage= SGD 45.45
After that was a stop at Nectarine to pick up an Alfonso Mango with Lemongrass Strudel for my darling Cherry Prince... AND I SO WANTED TO KILL THE BLOODY SHOP ASSISTANT. I just asked if it tastes good when compared to the other flavours and she said scathingly, "Of COURSE!" with that kind of bloody face. Walao you this foreigner (not that I'm racist but this is my country right?!!) working here only you think you damn atas is it I want to take money throw at your face but I don't feel like wasting money on you stupid bitch!!!!!! -_- Asshole. Spoil my day sia. Usually I won't even bother buying and I'll just tell her that her service sucks that's why I don't wanna buy but Cherry wanted strudel the last time we went out and he likes mango so I GOT IT FOR HIM and that makes me feel so much better. Yay. Rant over.
We went back to the Steakhouse for dessert cuz the Nectarine bitch pissed me off and I had a creme brulee craving. The waiter recognised me! *shy* He also knows me by name now because I keep paying by card and take photos of food (with my stupid phone camera which is damn obvious in that dark place) and wear an Aldo lizard accessory on my arm. -_-

My creme brulee! It tastes better when I share it with Cherry Prince though =(

Her Granny Smith Apple Crumble Tart or something with vanilla ice cream (which was mostly eaten by me). I think I just don't like crumble tarts so I still prefer my creme brulee...
Total spendage= SGD 28.25

Yours truly and Jesxeca! She kept saying "Don't take my photo!" and "Don't post it on your blog!" but MEH. Bleah. I look evil here though...
After a long MRT trip back home (I hate taking the train, seriously), Cherry Prince picked me up at the station and accompanied me home. <3
I took extra care not to let anyone bang into the strudel I was carrying, but Cherry Prince was swinging the box happily when I passed it to him! *passes out*

He keeps pretending not to notice that it's mango flavoured and insists that "the vanilla flavour is very nice". Baka!

The greedy boy took a bite before I could even take a photo of it. <3
I also got a silk-covered photo album for him! No photos though cuz I'm lazy and tired. I'm going to bed now! =)
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