Then yesterday (Saturday), I had another crappy lunch at the Kopitiam at Woodlands outside Edwin's estate. Stupid char siew noodle. Tastes damn disgusting la! Angry.
Okay, updates for Friday night!
More attempts to draw anime by Cherry Prince (while I was blogging):

Garra from Naruto without the
After which, Cherry Prince decides to play with some scarves found in my cupboard and ends up looking like a pirate/maid:

My usual fangirl sneak shots of him <3

Excited fangirl with idol~ <3
Ding! The clock hits twelve and

Cherry Prince with his new Guy Laroche wallet! Black outside, pink inside.
Hehehe. He was trying to sleep early to prepare for a long Saturday but I wanted to camwhore him first! I made him do most of the poses. Bleah.
It's Saturday~!
I woke up early again at 11AM (this is true love damnit), put on some make-up (so that I won't throw Cherry Prince's face with my CHUI face), then went over to his house to accompany him to buy more BBQ stuff. He was up since 6AM buying stuff with his VERY GOOD FRIEND Edwin (who acted as chauffeur for two days) and was packing up when I arrived.
From this point onwards was training camp for the Princess Prawn... Because everytime I go to a BBQ I sit there and the food comes to me. Being the organiser's girlfriend was a big change okay!
Training 1- Being cooked
I spent the afternoon from about 12PM-3PM being squashed in the back of Edwin's car with 3 styrofoam boxes and other miscellaneous items (the boot was filled with drinks already) while the boys went to buy the items. I became a steamed/broiled/fried prawn in the process.
After we reached Sembawang Park, where the BBQ was held, Edwin got hungry and got a blaze going in the pit within a few minutes and started cooking while yours truly was sitting at the table chasing away flies for the next three hours and becoming a smoked prawn.

Edwin the super good friend with my darling Cherry
Training 2- Tahan-ing smelliness and disgusting sights (REALLY GROSS, DO NOT READ IF ABOUT TO HAVE MEAL)
Apart from a short stint of smell at the food industry park, we also drove past a freaking scary accident in the industrial area. There was this taxi that smashed into a tree and the taxi driver sitting on the curb unharmed but obviously very unhappy... THEN we saw this injured Bangala dude lying on the grass with his right foot ENTIRELY gone... and his bicycle on the road some distance away. That's seriously fucking scary and I kind of got freaked out.
The other guests started arriving and Edwin left to visit someone for a while. The drinking started! Beer and hard liquor flowed freely, rather more than the food did I suppose.
Targeted number of drunkards: 5
Actual number of drunkards: 6 (I think)
Out of 19 people that's almost one third already la! Finished off 4 cartons of Carlsberg, 1 bottle of Jim Beam Black and 1 of Gordon.
So where exactly did my training come in here?
When people get drunk, they puke. A lot. And I had to take care of a certain somebody who vomited about 14 times, passed me vomit-covered money (now ALWAYS make sure you wash your hands after handling money people), forgot what happened every 5 minutes, and FORGOT TO WASH HIS MOUTH BEFORE KISSING ME. I was amazingly unperturbed and took it bravely. Bleaurgh. It's okay baby I still love you lots. <3
Also, the toilet was so disgustingly dirty that I retched outside and ran in to projectile-vomit into the toilet. Gross! After visiting the toilet 6 times (because I drank a lot too), I only puked one time inside. That's a great improvement from the 90% puke-rate I used to have in dirty public toilets!
Training 3- Learning to be un-glamourous and gross
I cannot stand the sight/sound/smell of people vomiting, hence during the event I actually did throw up twice outside of the toilet. How disgusting. I shall not mention the other super un-glam things I did! Hehe.
By the time I had to take care of my Cherry, I also had to make sure that he drank no more, so after that I took all of the hard liquor for him. Of course, his friends protested and became quite vulgar after drinking so I joined in the cuss-fest and shouted at them as well.
After the BBQ ended and most of the people left or were drunk and sleeping somewhere, Edwin came back at about 12.30AM or 1AM and we went crabbing!
I was like totally in the wrong clothes la. Cherry Prince sobered up and brought me out for a round in the boys' boat - Sea Spirit 3. Sounds good? It's actually a blow-up boat paddled by hand. LMAO! We caught one small crab and Cherry did a stunt- hooking his feet under my legs, he dolphin-style propelled the boat to shore. O_O Impressive! But in the process, he managed to splash my entire body with the disgustingly smelly water of the Straits. Sigh... MY MANGO TANK TOP DAMNIT!
We went to wash up and cook our little crab because I was shivering cold.

Small but tasty!
After that, Edwin and Cherry's cousin came back with 3 crabs! One was like super gigantic for a catch in a blow-up boat man. It's like the size of my two hands or something. Look!

In the bucket to bring home!
It looks small in the bucket but it's not okay!
Training 4- How to drink like a fish
I USUALLY swallow like FULLY (I don't know how else to put it, like eating food kind of swallow) when I drink. However one of the lessons learnt at the BBQ was how to drink damn bloody fast without swallowing- JUST POUR IT DOWN DAMNIT.
All thanks to the Cherry Prince who asked everyone to compete drinking a can of Carlsberg for starters (burpy I tell you) with the slowest drinker finishing another can as forfeit (for the guys, but I didn't realise until I drank half of it), then involved me in a competition with his sisters with the slowest drinker's BF drinking an extra cup of Jim Beam coke. JUST FOR HIM I drank as bloody fast as I could but almost lost anyway! O_O I REALLY SUCK AT THIS DON'T I.
Well not anymore! After finishing another 2-4 cups of Jim Beam coke, 3-4 of Gin Tonic and Carlsberg here and there, I became much better at pouring stuff down my throat! Hehehe.
Some interesting things happened during the BBQ! Quarrels occured and made up, previous quarrels were also resolved when everyone was drunk and happy.
One particular quarrel I was giggling at- between Pigpig and a guy called Ming Liang. Here are the stars of the show!

Pigpig and me! (My make-up RAN I KNOW)
1 comment:
I hope that crab was killed humanely!
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