We planned to meet at twelve at City Hall but because of the cockroach saga last night, I only managed to fall asleep at about 6AM and as a result ignored my ringing alarm for an hour until 11AM. I sent him a message that I'd be late and hurriedly dashed off to wash up and do my make up.
Hmm. Finished everything at 11.30AM. No reply. Called all 3 of his phone numbers I have in my phone (Singapore, Malaysia & China line). His phone was off. At 11.45AM I started suspecting that he was still sleeping so I got online and asked his youngest brother, Jian Leen for an opinion on whether his big bro was still asleep. He gave me his home number to call and I GOT TRICKED BY THEIR DAD! He pretended to be Wei Leen and I actually believed it until he said he didn't know we were meeting today. Meh! Anyway after that he told me that the pig Wei Leen just woke up! It was 12PM already lor! And he stays in MALAYSIA okay! Idiot.
He told me he'd reach City Hall at about 2PM but my tummy was already growling loudly so I called Kai Long to accompany me for lunch. We met at Lot One and he was all dressed up to go out but couldn't find anyone to go with him so we decided to all go out together! Wee I have such steady friends. I like! =D
After a crappy tasting u-mian at Food Culture (damn bad lunches... I kena jinx already la!) we met Wei Leen at CCK MRT and off we went!
First stop of the day: Ben and Jerry's @ Raffles City!
Wei Leen and I shared a scoop mix (? I kinda forgot cuz I was too busy drooling at the ice cream) of Cherry Garcia (YUMMY LA OMG), Chunky Monkey (banana with chocolate chunks!) and Mango Mango Sorbet (or something like that la I know got two "mango" one). Kai Long was on diet as per normal...
The water there is self-service. -___- Princess Prawn no like. I like to be served. Rawrs. Anyway Kai Long complained that I didn't get one for him... But I'm really terrible at serving ma! Sorry la. T_T
No photos, because I was too busy eating and talking, and Kai Long was like damn distracting la cuz he was hyper and high all the way. Siao one leh.
Wei Leen and I managed to convert "eating Ben and Jerry's" into "just had a BJ", amongst other misleading sentences. Tsk tsk tsk I'm so terrible LOL.
Trekking Trip 1: To Asian Civilisation Museum!
On foot from Raffles City (where I led the wrong way for a bit and got totally lost), to the underpass leading into Esplanade, to outside Fullerton Hotel, to ACM. Crap la I was in 3 inch heels can! We even ran across this 4-lane road when the light was flashing green. Lucky I train on the treadmill on tiptoes!
The history of Singapore!

Swordfish Head Rock. I've never even heard of that! And I don't know what this illustration is doing on the page but the little fish is cute and Kai Long wants to draw it so I just took the photo. -_-

Wei Leen being a coolie rowing the boat.

Kai Long's "family photo".

Communism BOLEH! (And Wei Leen's phototaking skills suck lol)

Wei Leen about to be executed for pretending to be a coolie just now

To the left, to the left~ -_-

Kua dio gui ar!

Perfect figure in the ancient times.

Kai Long trying to show that he also has a perfect figure.

This kind of pose also want me to do... WEI LEEN AR!!!

I got tired and passed my bag to Kai Long... Macam model/pai kia leh!

Thousand-handed Buddha... with the other 998 arms in gold colour.

Doraemon used his time machine to travel back in time... Otherwise how could they have his image on their aprons?!! I swear it's real- it's even on the description.

Vote on whether this is a male or female please... My opinion is that this is a dude with man boobs. O_o
Trekking Trip 2: The Hunt for Food
Wei Leen said there was a Carls Junior outlet somewhere nearby so we all agreed to get some bigass burgers.
BTW, their tagline is something like, "Your girlfriend is lying when she says size doesn't matter." I just quote only ma, didn't say what thing the size then the two of them tag-team and shoot me liao lor. T_T They didn't know each other initially but got on just fine later on especially when tag-teaming against me. Idiots!
Anyway. We left ACM at about 5.45PM. We realised that Carls Junior was replaced by Harry's at 6.17PM. That's a half an hour trek there okay!
We then trudged our way to Republic Plaza to have Subway which was another 10 minute trek. By then I think my feet were already blistering. Damn heels... But I still love wearing them. =)
Wei Leen was such a pig okay. He ordered this footlong Subway Club. And finished it! OMG-ness. Kai Long also ordered a Subway Club but he's dieting so he had half of Wei Leen's serving and I was feeling tired so I just had the usual 6-inch (hahaha sounds damn wrong bleah) Subway Melt with NO VEG (except tomato, yum yum) and EXTRA MAYONNAISE.
I'm such an unhealthy girl. Wei Leen was like, mayonnaise makes you fat! Blah. I live to eat, not eat to live, therefore I eat only tasty food. And the better things taste, the more unhealthy they are... So I eat mostly unhealthy food. -_-
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