Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Exams are over and (*&^%#$%^&

Initially I was like YAY I'm FREEEEEEEE!

Then was the mad sleeping because of lack of caffeine after exams.

After that was the "I'm so used to studying so I'm still going to study": I went mad and started on my Professional Ethics online module (which has been left hanging halfway ever since hahaha).

Then the weekend arrived and BF brought me reception dress-hunting.
I always thought it'd be a breeze and I'd be spoilt for choice but NOOO the only dress I liked had to be booked already!
It would have been much much easier for me to get a long dress but it's like a bit crazy to do that for solemnisation? Even though I won't be having a chinese wedding dinner but still... I might have to reconsider.

So now I'm messing around trying to find out where my lecturers are going so I can register at the same school and at the same time going nuts because my BF is involved in NDP and isn't allowed to take leave to accompany me to hunt some more! Grr.

Don't tell me to go myself. Who the hell looks for a wedding dress by herself!!

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