1) SP survey on teachers works.
Some lectures that I used to sit through and hated totally became very entertaining. So far I only attended one lecture which I hated and tuned out of. For the rest, even though I was sitting alone at the back, they just felt like entertaining and educational movies.
The old lecturer tactic used to be this: act strict and fierce, and if nobody gives a damn, give up.
The current one: pakat with the students, be their friend, understand them, let them understand you, and try to be humourous.
It REALLY works. Just that sometimes the little jokes fall cold and.... LT8 is cold enough if you get my drift.
I think the lecturers try really really hard cuz their jokes seem quite cheoreographed. I can imagine them preparing their speech and practicing in front of a mirror at home. Sometimes it appears that they try too hard though... Cuz nobody laughs. Or maybe we were just tired. =)
2) SP is trying to make their SB students damn fit and macho hence they made SB into a training camp. This is top secret. Nobody knows!
That what I carried home from school today. 6KG if you can't see clearly. Excluding laptop and charger which amounts to 9KG or more.
And they want us to bring all of these to school on Tuesdays. If this isn't training camp what is? I decided to give up heels and am considering using a backpack...
3) Guide on how to look like a loser in school.
Go everywhere alone. Sit in a 8-class (that's 160 people) lecture alone. Go to the library alone to rot during breaks. Yay. Jerina is a loser! =D
4) Guide on how to survive looking like a loser in school.
Find entertainment whenever there isn't lesson. Sms friends (FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!) or boyfriend (BOYFRIENDDDDD!!!!) during lesson. (While paying attention of course.) Act busy if you're really rotting. Don't look people in the eye unless they say hi to you first. Laugh about being a loser in school after school with friends.
Whee. I survived being a loser in school! =D
BTW I look like a fucking nerd walking around with a gigantic bag and carrying three thick books in my arms. KNS. -_-
5) OUCH event today plus special message.
The FF tutor (who was my BFI tutor last semester) asked me:
"Jerina, I thought there was a guy always following you around last sem?"
"Ya, Joel la."
"Ohh~ What happened to him ar?"
"I dunno, he disappeared since last semester."
*understanding look + nod*
All these in front of my classmates. But this isn't as bad as what happened in FA tutorial last semester where the tutor asked me exactly what happened in front of the whole class. -_-
The best part is cuz I was sitting at the back of the class alone (again), I had to keep the two spare copies for "the guy following me around last sem" and Siew Hoon.
Message to Mr. Disappearing Trick:
I don't mind keeping it for SH cuz she at the very least treats me like a friend even though she skips lesson a lot but I AM NO HOLY MOTHER OF SAINTS AND EVEN MORE AM NOT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING NANNY. Come for your fucking lessons and GET YOUR FUCKING NOTES YOURSELF cuz I DON'T OWE YOU ANY FUCKING THING. You wanna get them come to CCK. I'm not gonna carry them around waiting for you to drag your lazy ass to school. MY BAG IS HEAVY ENOUGH AS IT IS, THANKS.
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