Yesterday (Friday) was a 1PM-5PM day. TGIF LA!
Introductory Visual Basic was boring as usual with the copying and pasting. I don't understand laaaaaa OMG lol. I got the feeling we'll be copying and pasting during the exams as well. -_-
TA1 was funny! The teacher was like going to cry because nobody was bothering to answer him.... So I decided to be nice and .... kept answering his questions. Also because I was bored and about to fall asleep and didn't want to hear him repeat questions and the answers to them more than 6 times. Zzz. What's the outcome of being a nice girl?
The teacher remembers your name and keeps shooting you tough questions that nobody else answers. Especially when you're playing games and didn't happen to even hear his initial question. RAWRRRRRRRR. I shouldn't have been so nice! *grumbles*
Went HOME after lesson to rest while waiting for driving lesson. Urgh. I didn't realise my TP is so close until the MA2 tutor mentioned the date! Then I totally freaked out. I can't even get lessons on the long weekend! ... Sian. A bit worried...
I didn't get my group for the lesson. GRRRRRRRRR. I got stuck with the uncle group. Lol. Got an uncle and he was so so so SO SO SO naggy and not entertaining. Plus he said the instructors in my group are 'all young and handsome'... Not exactly, but slightly better than the ah peh group ba- not so Hokkien-pai type and not as crude for sure... At least my instructor spoke English, unlike some who actually described the car functions in Mandarin to me. WTFOMGBBQ I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE SAYING UNCLE! -_-|||
Driving was fine even though I had prawns with XO before that. Hehehe. Cherry Prince had a drink with Jian Wei at Boat Quay before coming over to pick me up.
Had dinner at Cherry Prince's house then it was HOMEEEEEE again.
OMG. Cherry Prince's laptop (Hebe) DIED. It went into a coma after hibernating. OMGOMGOMG. We're gonna have to try to revive it at the Acer laptop doctor soon. But the stupid service centre closes at 5.15PM everyday (Mon-Fri), 12PM on Sat and 7PM on Wednesdays... My lessons end at 5PM everyday and I have my TP on Wednesday! Even worse, even their call centre closes at these times as well. WTFFFFFFF you think weekend and public holiday only peoples' laptop don't spoil one ar. Nabeh. -_-
Woke up lateeee at about 12PM+ and headed to Cherry Prince's house for breakfast before going to gym at SP. Wanted to swim but there was some kids' swimming lesson at the pool and I didn't really wanna join in the fun cuz I'm allergic to kids. Hahaha.
Had spicy drumlets at Pizza Hut in school! =D
OMG. This little birdie was half dead and trapped in the air-conditioned area at FC5! We rescued it (okay, Cherry Prince did) and put it outside... But it was too weak to even move much. Poor thing. T_T
If anyone sees it don't bully it okay! It's so small and kelian! =(
Today was a resting day... Had KFC (after gym, so smart of me right -_-) and watched Octopus 2. =) Poor Cherry Prince hasn't got much to do without a laptop... So I shall accompany him! Tata!
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