I think MRTs have bad feng shui for me or something. Today my toe nail got crushed by this idiot who stepped on it as he was forcing his way out of the train. It's the very same nail each time it happens and IT SO FUCKING HURTS cuz this is the second time this incident happened plus this poor toe of mine has two other accidents already. T_T
I didn't drink my coffee today cuz I woke up late. It resulted in me being physically awake and in class but with my brain totally turned off. The Financial Markets tutorial was crapificulation cuz there were questions to be answered and presented and MY BRAIN WAS LEFT ON MY PILLOW. I didn't contribute and just stared at the article I was supposed to be getting the answers from and dreamed about going to buy mascara at Orchard later. -_-
I have really nice classmates. Jason didn't crash my Business Law lecture cuz he wanted to sleep so I chilled with the guys. There weren't enough seats for all of us at the back so Yang Shen very kindly offered to sit with me in another row. =) He's the hardworking boy who always brings the laptop and gets bugged by my whining in tutorials. ><
Jason pangseh-ed me during lunch so I rotted in the library as usual. But he came over halfway through the break to look for me! Touched leh bro! Here's what brothers do when they're stuck in the library with nothing to do...
I know I look very ugly la. I'm tired today can! No caffeine boost you know!
I needed a kaki to go to town with me so I smsed Kai Long and Gary. Poor Kai Long has lessons till 6PM today but Gary was free so he accompanied me! And OMG, I'm so lucky he was driving today. I felt bad for the ERP and parking though so I asked him to park at PS where it's cheaper and WALKED to town. Of course I dumped all my heavy stuff in the backseat. My bag is SOOOOOO light without books I CAN FLYYYYYYY~ Ok lame. Sorry, haha.
BTW when Gary and I walked out from PS, we bumped into Yang Shen! Gary was complaining that he should have left his car at SP and taken the MRT there since YS took the same amount of time on the MRT as we did by driving. -_-
I got my mascara so I'm happy! But I feel damn cheated. I bought it for $48 at Tangs but it's selling at DFS for $39. *grumble grumble* But I picked up money in MA2 lab on Monday and in Far East today... So I shan't grumble so much, hehe!
Cherry Prince got my feather pillow for me from Aussino at 40% discount! WHEE!
I'm a happy prawn today! =D
I shall end with a photo I found taken with Jesxeca on her birthday celebration!
Don't ask me why I smile already face still so black... Sha qi you know? ><
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