WALAO! I want to complain again! It's not about the MRT this time cuz my lesson started at 1PM today. It's... It's... It's the FREAKING DBS CASH DEPOSIT MACHINE!!!!! WHY IS IT ALWAYS BREAKING DOWN?!!
The cash deposit machine at the MRT wasn't able to accept deposits by passbook... But I just wanted to update to check if money has been transferred! So I had to walk to DBS, THEN walk to the post office, THEN go back to the MRT. Which is like point B to point C to point A to point B. BTW, out of the two cash deposit machines outside DBS, one also couldn't accept passbooks and there was a super long queue for the one which could. Which I assume will break down soon as well due to the overwhelming number of people using it.
Visual Basic was crapificulation. We spent half an hour doing ITAB-like stuff and then COPYING AND PASTING the codes. And for another hour the teacher was going around helping people out individually..... AND DIDN'T INFORM US THAT WE CAN LEAVE IF WE'RE DONE. -____-
And my VB GEMS was at T7 which is damn freaking far from the MRT. Then I went to T1 to get my admin card which is right at the end of SP. Then I went for TA1 lesson at T22 which is right at the opposite end of SP, walking past the MRT. -_-
TA1 was naggification as per normal. I know I came up with two terms today but I have no other way to put it!
Went to Suntec alone to meet Cherry Prince and met a few weirdos again.
Also trekked around from City Hall MRT through City Link Mall and Suntec for an hour and then back while waiting for Cherry Prince to knock off.
Camwhored while waiting for Jian Wei and Ah Long to join us after work.
Demonstration of how to give a plastic smile, by Princess Prawn. =)
Headed to Boat Quay for dinner and drinks. Trekked around for some time trying to find a nice bar then ended up spending most of the time drinking, singing and playing pool at U bar. Cherry Prince ordered a Bailey's for me cuz I don't like beer. =)
Jian Wei singing ... I forgot what song it was.
The guys playing pool!
I walked around so much today my legs are hurting! T_T
And Cherry Prince is like freaking obsessed with work and bringing work home which is WTF for the measly internship pay. GAH.
On a sidenote, I found the pillow I wanted in Aussino, on 40% discount, AND BETTER QUALITY THAN WHAT YOU CAN GET ONLINE. WHEEEEE. I can't really get high now cuz I'm feeling.... miffed. Somehow. Sigh~
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