My middle brother's family was late so we camwhored a little first...
Cherry Prince and me!
J3 and J1. Code name for the order we we born in. =P
Hmmm. Still not here yet...
I was having gastric pain so I got very very whiney and dulan so Cherry Prince went to order fried mantous to stall my hunger (and anger).
They arrived with the food so we got started!
First course: Longevity buns, which my big bro called the monkey's butt.
Second course: Shark bone soup with chicken.
Third course: Prawns in mayonnaise and prawns in salted egg yolk.
Fourth course: Coffee pork ribs. I had THREEEEEE.
Fifth course: Super big freshwater earthy fish.
Sixth course: Veg. Didn't touch it except for the stem which Cherry Prince gave me.
Seventh course: Fried rice.
Eighth course: Roast chicken which tasted terrible.
Ninth course: Fruits- papaya, grapes, pineapple and something.
Went home after that and blogged ALL THE WAY TILL NOW. And I'm hungry again. >< Food time! =)
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