Today was a bit different because there wasn't some fugly annoying guy standing next to me so time passed really really fast.
Also, the candycanes ran out really really fast as well so I switched to giving out balloons instead. I think I spent more time stuffing sticks into the balloon tie thing than giving them out because flocks of kids will just come and rob me blind of everything. (I think I really love kids today cuz they saved me from looking silly holding a bunch of balloons. Mannnnn. Muacks Muacks to all kids, Santarina loves ya'll! =D)
I didn't have time to take pics of the stuff I was giving out cuz I was busy slacking my ass off during my breaktimes... So here's something else!
Yup that's fugly me in the fugly oversized costume. Yippee. -_-
Mavis the DJ pumping balloons cuz I hate that air pump thingy sound.
Eh, I distracted her by taking this photo and the balloon burst.
Whoopsie. Sorry Mavis! =X
BTW BTW- I overheard the bank staff gossiping about the previous MC. Obviously everyone was glad he's gone too! BWAHAHA I'm so evil I think I should have worn a black costume instead. X_X
P.S. There was this very very VERY rude client-to-be inside the outlet. His children wanted candycanes but didn't dare to get them from me so he brought his girl over... And VERY VERY ZHI DONG AND BUAY PAISEH-LY just reached into my basket, FLIPPED the brochures covering the candycanes over roughly and grabbed one for her.
... And he repeated the same thing AGAIN after that for his second girl while scolding her "very mafan".
I think that should have been a classic Polaroid moment- Santarina glaring at that nasty moron very fiercely with a bunch of candycanes in her basket. -_-
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