Started off the day really early at about 8AM.
9AM: Went to Yew Tee wet market with Cherry Prince to get the BBQ items!
9.30AM: Sheng Siong was our next stop for other BBQ stuff.
10.30AM: Went to Cherry Prince's house to marinate the food and pack them all up.
Am so 'unhappy' marinating the meat with my manicured nails. =P
12PM: Dragged everything down into the car and went to Bukit Batok to get drinks.
1PM: Siesta at my house.
4PM: Food Industrial Park for the satay and otah.
5PM: Went to Pig Pig's place to pick up the Pig along with crabbing equipment.
5.30PM: Went to Edwin's place to pick up more stuff. It started to rain!
5.45PM: Went BACK to Pig Pig's place to take the indoor BBQ equipment.
6PM: Had dinner at some kopitiam. No appetite...
6.30PM: Another Sheng Siong outlet to get ice and drinks.
7PM: Sembawang Park AT LAST.
But we still had to drag everything to the pit which is like 400metres away or something.
2AM: Most of my friends had left,and this is where things fucked up. Fucked up so badly that I left, else I'd do something terrible there. Shall not comment further here.
4AM: K.O.
Many many thanks to all who came despite the inaccessibility!
Especially to Pig Pig who did so much for us.
And for the Black Label!
Nah, here's our photo! =P
I know I look like shit but I was lazy to re-take it!
Kenny, Guang Yi, and Chamayne were there since 5.30PM. Sorry for the lateness, and thanks for the Martell and phone accessory!
Jun Hao, thanks for the photo frame and sorry about not being able to accompany you.
Sarah and Pris, thanks for the necklace! You still remember I love blue, damn touched la!
Joanna, thanks for the super sweet Strawberry shower set. Loves!
Raymond, thanks for the Absolut Pear! Completes my collection =D
And thanks to all the guys for the Carlsberg and Tiger beer. Hope you all made it home alright! =X
Camwhoring with the girls!
OMG la, we haven't met for YEARS damnit.
Chamayne, Jerina, Sarah.
Joanna the cow was late so I don't have our SCJ2 photos in my phone!
And she didn't update her FB like promised! Lol.
Jerina, Pricillia, Chamayne, Sarah.
Mayne and Sarah.
Me and Sarah.
BTW we were in the same K2 class, so 13 years of friendship! Woot!
Mayne and me!
Camwhoring with the boys!
Me and Cherry Prince!
Us again on Sea Spirit III, lol.
JB and me! Damn tired by 1AM.
That's all for now until Pris and Joanna send me the photos they have. =)
P.S. EI! Why everyone got big eyes except me! KNS...
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