I look damn fugly so I'm not gonna post my photos. Just wake up ma!
So here's my cake.
Blueberry cheese. YUMMMMMMY.
Hmm. Monday was a super nua day.
It was uneventful ....
But Tuesday onwards wass BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went for a job orientation which was supposed to last 1-2 hours but ended up stretching all the way till 6+PM.
Then went to meet Cherry Prince and have Killiney's curry chicken.
It's damn good la.
We also got a box of cherry liquor chocolates for my parents since they like it.
Lovess. =))
DotA-ed until I almost died (in reality not in game), then it was time to rest cuz I don't wanna screw up the shoot today.
Woke up damn early to make up for the shoot then arrived at 10.45AM @ City Hall since Jerry likes to meet fifteen minutes beforehand.
He arrived after me and then got very frustrated cuz 3 of the girls were late. Like EXTREMELY late, past 11.30AM or something!
Oh, since I was the first there he also asked me to buy a can of Red Bull for him cuz he had to meet the other girls.
.... You know my location idiot problem? I got lost in Raffles City, walked one big round before managing to find the Market Place, then walked another big round inside before giving up and asking the staff where the drinks are, walked another round in the drinks area and asked another staff where Red Bull is, realised that it's too high for me to reach (even in my 5-inch heels), asked a random dude to get it down for me, realised I didn't know where the cashier was, and let the random dude direct me to it. I almost got lost on the way back to the MRT also. WTH!
Back to the story. I didn't screw up today except to run out of ideas. And one of the models, Chloe, who is fifteen and damn zai, said I'm CUTE. WTH, I am too old to be cute can? -_-
And I AM NOT AN AH LIAN DAMNIT!!!!!!!!! Why does everyone think I'm an ah lian at first? I got the ah lian pattern meh? I don't think so at all. Zzz. It's a damn big insult to me. Because I think ah lians are garish, have bad taste and attention seeking in a damn disgusting and unglamourous way.
4 signs of an ah lian:
1) THAT hairstyle (you know what I mean)
The straight rebonded hair with extreme layers on the top making it poofy.
And THAT fringe.
2) THAT kind of make up
Excessive and (to me) NOT nice at all.
Since it's not nice at all to me, I obviously don't do THAT kind of make up.
3) THAT kind of clothes
Tiny tiny shorts and tiny tiny tube top.
Ah lians happen to be mostly tiny as well.
BUT their clothes are not to my taste either. They just have that kind of distinctive pattern which is so not me! -_-
I guess this is where people think I look like an ah lian because I am tiny and Singapore is too hot for clothes that aren't tiny. I swear my jeans get soaked when I wear them cuz I sweat so freaking much. But my taste is better okay I SWEAR IT.
4) BF with gold hair/speaking or swearing loudly on the phone in the MRT/ah beng if you can recognise one.
They seek attention by swearing. But I can swear better than them. And Cherry Prince is way cuter, cooler, smarter and more glam than those idiots.
Not happy with my above comments? Come get me you skinny little bags of bones. Or maybe go legally buy some cigarettes before coming to talk to me. -_-
Okay, back to story again.
We were all sweating like crazy cuz of the weather and used up all our tissue paper.
I was also supposed to meet the directors of Cannla but I arranged it at 1PM (since my shoot is at 11AM, enough time right?). Unfortunately because we started late we ended past 1PM and I practically ran in my heels all the way back to Raffles City from Marina Square. WALAO.
Turned out that they are really friendly dudes who are damn encouraging! I was commenting that I'm only a small fry in their big vision (which consists of shops like Leftfoot and others), and then the Singaporean dude was like: "Hey, you know the pyramids of Eygpt are such majestic structures? Not all the stones that built it are big." .... Wow holy shit that is some quote to make!
Well hopefully I'll be able to do my ITP in their company cuz they rock like thattt. And I'm going to update my shop. Tata! =)
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