Saturday, December 20, 2008

Weekend at MayBank

I got an event job at the Jurong Point MayBank branch to give out brochures and candycanes for the weekend.

We had a DJ, MC and a Santarina there for the event.

And I want to complain about the MC! He totally pissed everyone off today.
Let's take a look at the things he did:

1) Flirt outrageously with the girls (and very unskillfully I might add). We were all rolling our eyes and telling him to stop bullshitting.

2) Take very very long breaks that he was not entitled to, like a fifteen minute smoke break every half an hour, a ten minute toilet break in between the smoke breaks- you get the idea.

3) Accusing us of not treating him as a colleague because we didn't buy food for him - EXCUSE ME, you weren't around when we went to buy food, MORON.

4) Refer to point 3. Prior to us going to buy food, he went to buy drinks without asking us EVEN WHEN WE WERE AROUND.

5) Talking complete rubbish into his microphone which the entire lobby is able to hear. For example: "Walao, this lobby so few people. Within 3 months this branch confirm dao bi one la." <- dao bi means collapse.

6) Commenting that Santarina is wearing a super big costume, "like sleeping costume", according to him, and saying get sweets from the "ugly" Santarina, ALL INTO THE MIKE.

7) Sexually harrasing the DJ with the innuendo: "Are you coming? (cumming)"
To which I shot back: "Obviously not, you're too short."

8) ORDERING us to buy drinks for him. We went off with the money and then came back and returned it to him telling him we couldn't find the place when actually we just couldn't be bothered.

9) His reaction to point 8: "Walao, we're not even colleagues or acquaintances ar? You can't even buy a drink for me when I'm working hard here?"

10) Refer to point 9- prior to this he just took a fifteen minute smoke break. BUY YOUR FUCKING DRINK YOURSELF, ASSHOLE!

11) When the bank staff told him to talk about relevant things using the mike, he got very DULAN and complained to us that he doesn't like people to tell him how to do his job.

12) Refer to point 11- prior to this, he just told all of us how to do our jobs. In addition to that he also snatched the things I was supposed to give out. WTF?!

There are more but I'm actually not interested in recalling his image any further unless it includes a bullet wound in his forehead.

Anyway, he got his come-uppance for all that shit he threw at us. Our organiser SMS-ed us to check on the event and I convinced the DJ (who is young and too nice to assholes like him, even though she was damn frustrated and wanted to quit because of him) to throw all that shit back at him.

We TOLD on the asshole to our boss! *gleeful*

So he got fired. We'll be having Shake as our MC tomorrow! Yippee! =D
But it's not only because of us. The ENTIRE bank staff was also very DULAN with him and the co-ordinator of the whole event didn't want him for tomorrow either. The client is always the most important right? =D

And another thing. If you always thought Santarina loves kids and is always smiling happily, think again.

Santarina at JP MayBank TODAY was only smiling sweetly because she was fantasizing about seizing the MC next to her and shoving her boots up his ass, among other things like taking the (friendly) CISCO guard's gun and shooting him (the MC) in the balls with it. Oh, to add to that she's mentally swearing at him every other minute, something along this line: Stop the crap you motherfucking FUCKER, and FUCK OFF DAMNIT! (She also doesn't really like kids, she was just pretending.)

Eh, how do I know?

...... Because I'm the Santarina la. Diu, sian tomorrow must wear that oversized outfit again.

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