Weeeee. I love this week even though I can't remember what I did on Monday. Lol.
I think my Monday was spent as usual- slacking until SuperCherry knocked off work and then dinner and DotA.
I had to wake up early to go to the library at Esplanade to do a project with my UCCD group. ARGH. I was late (as usual, it was at 11AM OKAY) and I think we all didn't manage to do much work cuz Jasmine had to work at 3PM at Vivo.
Most of the girls left early at about 2PM, leaving Alita and I to wait for our own respective friends together.
I was supposed to meet Jesxeca at 3 or 4PM but I reached Orchard damn freaking early, like 2.45PM...... So I went to get my own stuff while waiting for her. I think I know Orchard better than my own estate, seriously. I've got my location idiot problem but I can figure out instinctively where everything is- from clothes to make up to food. DUH?! I guess Orchard is the only place where my malfunctioning in-built GPS works. (BTW I haven't been there for months. -_-)
The girl finally arrived at about 3.45PM and decided to... Check out lingerie. Uhhh. Okays. I wasn't buying anything cuz I was already quite broke at the time but I did have a look around... And why is my taste so freaking expensive?! Everything I touched was from a minimum of $105 to a whopping $400. And that's for lingerie alone.
Afterward when we shopped for clothes and bags it got worse. Everything I liked cost anything from $500 to $2,500 or some shit like that. WHADDAHELL EH?
Jesxeca needed to rush off for dinner with a friend at 6PM so I headed back to City Hall (yeah, I know) to meet SuperCherry.
We bumped into his supervisor (Paul, whom I got pissed off with the other
time but he has since made up for it with two boxes of chocolate) so I thanked him for the chocolate.
And he responded with this:
"No problem! WAAA, finally can see your face. So sweet so pretty so bright!"
Or something along that line (I might have messed up the order of the words in between the 'so's.)
.... I feel more like I got knifed in the back by a ninja than complimented, somehow.
Anyway, prior to this I had been dashing like a crazy woman because I was slightly late to meet SuperCherry... So here are my
slightly VERY sweaty photos:

The sun is damn bright la!
I took
both my
TPs with this expression by the way, lol.

Not so bright!

Tiny ugly me~
Severely bad hair thingy due to my sweatiness. EEW.
I slept in on Wednesday (Christmas Eve) because I was supposed to meet SuperCherry for dinner but got awakened by a phone call from him telling me he got a half day off.
But because I was all concussed from sleeping late the previous night I took damn long to get prepared and only managed to meet him after 3PM.
We were starving because neither of us had food for the day yet. And all the restaurants are closed! We went back to the
backup plan Wei Leen and I used previously: Fine Cuts @ the Central.
They happened to have Christmas dinner sets so we ordered one to stall our hunger. Unfortunately we had to wait for them to cook the meat for us so we were hungry and fidgety people.
Check out the hungry monsters:

"I'm waiting!"

"Cannot take it liao la..." *passes out*
*revives to take over the camera*

*waiting 'patiently'*

*impatient to cut up some meat*

*dejected that the meal STILL hasn't arrived*
*gets restless and snatches camera*

*decides that my arm is too short for this pose and passes camera to SuperCherry*

*realises that I'm ugly when hungry (what a great excuse for being ugly right) and takes over camera again*

They gave us a nice candle and turned out the lights to make it all romantic!

I don't know why I took SuperCherry with the candle... Maybe I just wanted to eat him up because I'm so hungry, lol.
The food arrives!
From here on is a BINGING CHRISTMAS EVE! Here's the proof:

SuperCherry is hungry enough to slurp up more than half the celery (eew) and mushroom soup before I remembered to whip out my camera again.

That's right after I finished taking the previous photo. Yucky soup finished!
(SuperCherry finds it alright, I just hate celery okay.)

Medium-rare Black Angus chuck eye with some salady thingy I'm not interested in.
Yummy but still, rib-eye is the best!
We finished up real quick and went to pay, but we also got to have a lucky dip!
*pokes SuperCherry to pick it because I think I'm very unlucky*
*SuperCherry fishes out a complimentary meal!* =D
A stopover for a snack:

Mini-donuts that we can stuff whole into our mouths!
We got banana-chocolate, chocolate and honeydew.
All were good!
Another stopover:

Laksa + $1 of cockles + lemon tea.
I think we were eating more cockles than anything else in the laksa.
SuperCherry had a little too much food so we went for some shopping!
I got my diamond ring- in rose gold with a rose design. Yippee!
They had a Christmas redemption thingy so we went for it and got a niceeee EZ-link card.
I initially wanted to go to the Steakhouse or La Fondue for dinner but it was RAINING so we decided to head to Sun with Moon... But due to a miscommunication we ended up not having dinner there.
Instead we went to some shitty Japanese teppanyaki place at the top floor of the Central to have...

I would have ordered more but the tuna was killing both of us and I just didn't want to pay so much for crappy food. I swear the prices aren't worth it and SUN WITH MOON IS SO MUCH BETTER DAMNIT.
I got a bit moody because I couldn't have the Japanese food I wanted so we went to TCC for dessert instead.
I swore I wouldn't go to TCC again after the crap shit I had at
Centrepoint but I stupidly decided to give it another chance, this time at the Central. I figured dessert couldn't hurt. Right? WRONG.

I don't know what the fuck this dessert is called and neither do I care. It could be the Orange Flamingo or the Orange Take-All-The-Leftovers-In-The-Kitchen-And-Mix-It-All-Up for all I care.
Get it the fuck away from me I swear. This fucked up concoction of sour orange with sweet vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce on top might look nice at first but after the first layer it's all shit inside. There's some tasteless shit with sour mango buried inside that makes the sour orange taste like ice cream. There's also breadcrumbs/blended biscuit in the bottom and this makes up 70% of the whole dessert. It's fucking dry and tastes like shit. I swear this fucked up dessert just fucked up my entire Christmas Eve.
I gave up on the food in the Central and because it was raining I couldn't get to Clark Quay. We took a taxi home.
Well, at least the Taxi Concierge had good service. -_-
Camwhoring in the cab:

Don't ask me why I still look so happy after that dessert.
It's obvious- I have SuperCherry!

Muah muah! =D

I look like some slut that SuperCherry is cheating on somebody with here. -_-
This entry is getting way too long so I'll continue next post! =D