Rot, study with nice classmate, Cherry Prince.
Rotted and studied with nice classmate. =D
Then Wei Leen suddenly asked me out for...
Anything other than study!
Of course I agreed. Hehehe.
We wanted to have dinner at Ma Maison but it wasn't open till 6PM and I was DEAD HUNGRY at 4PM-ish so we tried SUN with MOON and met with the same problem...
So we had our dinner at erm, this meat place in the basement of the Central!
It's a pick and grill thing.
I had mixed grill (50g lamb, 50g beef, sausage and fries) while Wei Leen had yellow tail (fish). It's called hamachi in Japanese and all I can think of is DotA...

The thing on top of our heads at our cozy corner table.

Wei Leen's seat without the guy, and his sunglasses. So random lol.
No photos of food cuz I WAS HUNGRY OKAY. RAWRS.
Cherry Prince joined us after work and we headed to Brewerkz together!
... I seem to have an adversion to beer after our very eventful Halloween.
MA2 and UCCD tutorial cancelled! Went for MA2 and TA1 lecture.
I really wanted to have dinner at Ma Maison so I called Wei Leen to have it with me!

Wei Leen at Ma Maison. I have really shaky hands, sorry!

Our Cheese Flitters!
(I think it should be fritters but it's the same to Japanese isn't it?)
Totally delicious especially with the sauce they serve!

My Omu-rice with beef in brown sauce.
Not the exact name but I FORGOT.
Delicious too!

Wei Leen's somethingy stew.
It's a mixture of fries, udon (?), egg, sausages and I don't know what else, but I think it was nice.
I almost forgot to take photos of the food before I started eating because I'm such a pig but Wei Leen reminded me every time! And he insists that my photos are horrible and decided to commandeer my phone to take 'better' photos to do the food justice. Oi, it's not that my phototaking skills suck, I JUST WANNA EAT! >=(
Cherry Prince joined us after work and he had a beef hamburger steak, which was .... eh... soft and had some veg inside it which I didn't like. Heh. Wei Leen says his friends enjoyed it though. To each his own, I still like my original beef! =D

Lovey dovey. Except that Cherry Prince looks like he's wearing an apron.
It's his bag la. =D

Better without the bag but I look ugly. Whatever la! >=(
Anyway that's his botak hair. Lovessss. =D
Visual Basic ICA with 30% weightage! WTFFFFFF.
I was like sooo not prepared for it.
Well I tried my best, with references to previous lessons and hints from Tony, and I guess I made it!
I seriously owe Tony a treat. =)
Went for TA tutorial, and then waited for my brother to pick me up to go to the airport to pick up my OTHER brother.
Well, we had a short chat for about one minute before they all kicked me out of the car and I went to wait for Cherry Prince alone. *sobs*
I discovered that T3 has a Blush! outlet with kinkeh stuff! Woot!
And all the shops there are GST free. Too bad there are so few shops around.
On a sidenote, my second brother did some freaky car stunt on a normal crowded public road including drifting and taking bends at 100km/h which had me clutching the car door and screaming vulgarities a few times. Damn sia suay. I've been driving at around 70km/h max and riding in other safe cars... So... Yeah. *hangs head*
I swear we missed another car by just 2 inches. I would have flipped the Forester if it had been me driving....
Back to topic.
Cherry Prince came to meet me after work because he promised to eat Popeye Chicken with me!
Whee whee I had my chickennnnnn. But I think all that beer drinking has increased my tummy capacity, because everytime I had my meal there I would be full to bursting by the time I was only half done and TODAY, I was STILL HUNGRY after finishing my meal.
I bugged Cherry Prince to have some Japanese food with me but he was extremely full and persuaded me to weigh between Jap food and taking a cab home..... And of course the cab home won because taking the MRT from the airport to
I got taxi-sick and had absolutely no appetite by the time we reached home.
... But got hungry at about midnight and went to Cheers to get a pet bottle of Coke, Pepsi, a jumbo Tom Yum maggie mee bowl, and packet of profiteroles.
OMG. But as I said to Wei Leen yesterday, I'm unhealthy but not fat so NEVERMIND! =X
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