Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I think I'm getting old and my body batteries are getting weaker. I've been getting tired really easily even though I sleep more than 8 hours a day. Compared to one or two years ago when I could sleep just two hours a day for weeks on end... This is pretty scary. What's happening to me? =(



I can't remember a thing about school except that our MA2 presentation rocked. Ambrose was actually pretty happy with us. Amazingggg. =D

Was a good girl and went home straight to die rot rest.


My FF tutor really has nice shoes. O_O I wanted to ask her if she needed plasters though cuz her skin was a little red. SHIT I DON'T REMEMBER THE LESSON LMAO.

Did FMKT project after school until Cherry Prince arrived to have dinner 'with' me. Unfortunately something happened and I wasn't in the mood to eat. -_-


FMKT = -_-
Some more I arrived late (duh, 8AM lesson can!) and the teacher suddenly questioned me about ETFs when I was dazing in the corner. Luckily for me I managed to pong the answer. Zzz.

Continued struggling with the FMKT project with SH after school until it was time for photoshoot.

Walao. I didn't expect to be so tired + stressed + sick + insert more stoned-look causing factors here. I pretty much screwed up cuz my eyes were freaking dry, and we were supposed to be like KAWAII, and I am so fucking bad at acting cute.

It's like every photo you go WHEEEEE and ^_^V and ~_^V and insert fifty more act cute poses here.

Plus we became amateur cheerleaders. The last ten poses were like so irrelevant but fun... For me but not for the girls. My job was easy - be carried/stacked/sit on shoulders. Their job was... to... PIGGYBACK/CARRY/SUPPORT me. Cheerleader style. Walao, poor girls la. Lucky I didn't eat much today otherwise they'd all be squashed under me. Hehe.

And cuz I removed my heels for the last part, I realised I'm like at least one head shorter than both of them. WALAO!!!!!!!! T_T

Will be getting the pics next week or something. =)

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