Location: Sembawang Park, Pit 13
Time: 5.30 PM
Date: 6 December 2008
Event: BBQ
For those who I have invited only, not because I'm being mean but because I have to settle the quantity of food to buy as well as drinks.
A tip for those who have no birthday gift ideas for me:
A bottle of hard liquor will do.
So no worries, even though you shouldn't have any problems cuz I'm such a shopping freak! Hehe.
Here's a map of the place, cuz it's quite out of the way...

The big cross is where Sembawang Park is.
You can see a bigger map here.
Okay, I have no idea how to get there but there's only one bus there so you can um, check the street directory yourself or ask at the MRT control station alright?
By the way, if anyone wants to bring beer... Carlsberg is the only option available okay? Cherry Prince says if anyone brings Chang or Guinness we will force feed the whole lot to him/her, and I have to agree. =P
So see you all on the 6th of December! =D
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