Had a Visual Basic assessment during GEMS. Currency Calculator. EHH, WHADDAHELL? I can't even understand what the teacher is saying la. -_-
Surprisingly, I managed to get full marks. Heng only! Hehehe.
Hmmm. Went to City Hall MRT to meet Wei Rong after school. He was like so hyper and happy cuz he's gonna meet Cherry Prince and JB. We had to wait for Cherry Prince to knock off, and in the meantime, he was 'under instruction' from Cherry Prince to take care of me.. So I had a 'stand-in' BF for a few hours! HAHAHA.
The poor boy had to carry my bag for me, buy food for me and even opened out my half-boiled eggs for me! I'm like damn xing fu and he's damn ke lian.
Anyway I realised that we have a lot in common (not for the first time) plus some kopitiam beer aunty mistook us as siblings so we've been calling each other bro and sis for some time. =)
Met up with JB who got a little lost ... And then we rotted from 6PM to almost 8.30PM waiting for Cherry Prince to knock off. Rawrs!
Headed to Boat Quay to have drinks at somewhere called... MiniPub or something. With a devil, angel and hardcore J-Rock waitress serving us. Ordered a tower of beer (which was BLEURGH beer, I think Tiger -_-) and played dice & Big 2. I was not very well so the guys were lenient on me and let me go with almost no forfeits when I lost! Aww. =D

The three handsome guys who were with me almost all night!

Poor Cherry Prince who worked about 12 hours looking so tired.

Wei Rong acting cute with JB!

'Bro' acting cute with 'sis', lol.
Jian Wei and a couple of his friends were with us for some time too, but no photos taken cuz they were too busy smoking and being pressed to drink. Heh.
I have to mention that I'm very touched! Not only that I didn't have to drink when I lose at games cuz I was unwell, but when this half-drunk dude kept trying to make me drink and got too friendly, Wei Rong (who was also half-dead already) was still 'under instructions' to protect me and pulled me closer to our table while Jian Wei squashed in next to me so that the guy will stop harassing me.
After that all the guys collaborated to drink with that dude to get him dead drunk, just because he tried to make me drink. Walao, I AM TOUCHED OKAY. Thanks so much dudes. LOVESSSS =D
Well... Actually most of the time we were at another pub ... But because something unpleasant happened there which resulted in me being unable to sleep last night (MEANING SOMETHING REALLY WTF), I shall not name it... YET. Bloody motherfuckers... I swear vengence upon them.....
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