Thursday, September 17, 2009


I thought of this while lying half-awake this morning; I couldn't get to sleep last night and couldn't get back to sleep when I stirred awake at about 9AM.

I know that my social life has imploded upon itself since I decided to put more effort into my studies in Year 2, but I thought that at least my oldest and most cherised friends would be around for me as I would have been for them.

In listening to all the grouses and complaints about their other friends and all the backstabbing shit, one would have thought that I was the only one they trusted with such words, even maliciousness about their very own friends.

Yet what does one in such a trusted position get from it all?


She said: Okay, I will be free on (date). Can go out/accompany you/blablabla.

After that?

(Above mentioned): Eh, sorry leh, been really busy. And busy now also. Talk to you again yea.

Now if it were school, work or projects that people are busy with then it is understandable right?

But when you look over their blog and see what they've been actually been 'busy' with and ditched a prearranged date with you for- relatively new friends, late nights out, yadda yadda, it's time to give up on such people and move on.

I was touched to almost tears once by you; there were times when the same incidences occured before as well but I chose to overlook it.

But now I see your true colours and the chapter of our mutual trust is over. No longer friends but acquaintances.

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