I didn't realise that I had a fever since yesterday/last night. Urgggh.
The Emperor just forced me to take some Chinese medicine for my tummy so I can't have Panadol now.
AND SHIT, I'm supposed to be having fun tomorrow night, but how to do that if I'm going to pop Panadol pills? Zzzz.
On a brighter note, I don't have to dress up for Halloween tomorrow and I can save on costume costs.... Because I already look like a freaking ghost today.
Kua dio gui, you know? T_T
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Miserable day =(
Urgh. Woke up to find that my tummy was in pain plus I looked like I could replace the Merlion for a while this morning.
Wanted to go to the doctor initially but I already knew what was wrong and was in too much pain to go to the doctor alone (NICE FAMILY I HAVE!) so I just rested at home waiting for the pain and queasiness to go away.
What a nice, loving family I have. I get the warm fuzzies whenever I think about it. This morning after my projectile-vomiting of bile, I asked the Empress to help me call the clinic to check what time it would open because I was feeling shaky and probably would take some time to wash up.
The Empress snapped: "You think I'm your MAID AR? This kind of thing you do YOURSELF!"
Nabeh CB KNN.
She continued: "I'm going out later. You want to see doctor you go see yourself."
....... It was 7.30AM and the clinic opens at 8.30AM while she's going out at 10 or 11+AM lor! And I was in too much pain to walk so I ended up not going. Zzz.
Anyway it has happened to me before and the problem was that I didn't eat enough. Grr. I already had three meals still not enough?! This only goes to show how much I pig out during the holidays to make my body feel that three meals are 'not enough'.
So I spent my day at home wallowing in self-pity, SMS-ing Cherry Prince and eating.
From milo to porridge to fruits to eggs, I just kept eating whenever I felt hungry. Ooh, speaking about eggs-

I had four for "tea" (in otherwise my non-stop munching)! With bread and Milo. Yummyyyyyyyyyyy. =D
Wanted to go to the doctor initially but I already knew what was wrong and was in too much pain to go to the doctor alone (NICE FAMILY I HAVE!) so I just rested at home waiting for the pain and queasiness to go away.
What a nice, loving family I have. I get the warm fuzzies whenever I think about it. This morning after my projectile-vomiting of bile, I asked the Empress to help me call the clinic to check what time it would open because I was feeling shaky and probably would take some time to wash up.
The Empress snapped: "You think I'm your MAID AR? This kind of thing you do YOURSELF!"
Nabeh CB KNN.
She continued: "I'm going out later. You want to see doctor you go see yourself."
....... It was 7.30AM and the clinic opens at 8.30AM while she's going out at 10 or 11+AM lor! And I was in too much pain to walk so I ended up not going. Zzz.
Anyway it has happened to me before and the problem was that I didn't eat enough. Grr. I already had three meals still not enough?! This only goes to show how much I pig out during the holidays to make my body feel that three meals are 'not enough'.
So I spent my day at home wallowing in self-pity, SMS-ing Cherry Prince and eating.
From milo to porridge to fruits to eggs, I just kept eating whenever I felt hungry. Ooh, speaking about eggs-
I had four for "tea" (in otherwise my non-stop munching)! With bread and Milo. Yummyyyyyyyyyyy. =D
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
TP today
I did my thingy during TP today which is called FLUNK. WTFFFF.
My gratitude to:
1. The assholes on road who refuse to signal until they've almost completed their turning and refuse to give way even on seeing a TP car. I hope you guys die from testicle rot.
2. The assholes who park illegally at the side of the road here there and every-fucking-where. I hope you get sodomized and die from the pain.
3. The assholes who choose to swerve dangerously in front of people taking their driving test or do some other stupid fucked up shit. Does it give you pleasure to cause people to get points deducted and possibly fail? I hope you derive the same pleasure from some painful long-term illness you motherfuckers.
On a happier note, it pays to be a good little prawn. I went to City Hall to look for my Cherry Prince after my fucked up test... and the rest is a secret. =D
My gratitude to:
1. The assholes on road who refuse to signal until they've almost completed their turning and refuse to give way even on seeing a TP car. I hope you guys die from testicle rot.
2. The assholes who park illegally at the side of the road here there and every-fucking-where. I hope you get sodomized and die from the pain.
3. The assholes who choose to swerve dangerously in front of people taking their driving test or do some other stupid fucked up shit. Does it give you pleasure to cause people to get points deducted and possibly fail? I hope you derive the same pleasure from some painful long-term illness you motherfuckers.
On a happier note, it pays to be a good little prawn. I went to City Hall to look for my Cherry Prince after my fucked up test... and the rest is a secret. =D
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Time flies doesn't it
It's back to school today. *mopey face*
Time just flies whenever I'm spending it with Cherry Prince. Booo.
Had the usual 10AM-3PM classes today but it was better than usual!
I managed to get a seat on the MRT... And met my SPTKDC friend Shan Jun.
Chatted all the way to Dover after which I bumped into Man Man the MAN (my classmate hehehe) in the lift. Then I boing-ed happily to my Fundamentals of Finance tutorial right into my group- a bunch of cute girls in my class. LOVESSSSS!
I thought Chariot wasn't in school today so I spent UCCD lecture with the girls discussing going to Zouk with Jasmine (the class rep) this Friday for the Halloween Party.
Spent lunch with the girls as well where Kai Ting (assistant class rep) so lovingly carried the tray for me like an older sister while I was ever so helpful with her wallet. @_@ (I suck at carrying trays, like, if you want to drink your soup you carry the tray! =X)
Idiot Jason ponteng-ed school today and went to the beach so I stuck to the girls in FF lecture. Lian Bei loves me as well cuz ... She just does! She accompanies me almost everywhere and shares food and drinks with me in lectures cuz I'm such a lazy ass to go get my own. LOVESSSSS.
I keep bumping into Wang Qin (ZML's GF), Jiao Xuan (Hebe clone), Shernel and OMG I FORGOT HER NAME I'M SO SORRY BUT I NEVER TALKED MUCH TO HER. =X They're my Year 1 classmates! I met them at least 3-4 times today and took the train to Bukit Gombak with Wang Qin and Jiao Xuan. =)
Driving lesson! Revision for TP tomorrow. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I kept asking my so-poor-thing-cuz-he-always-kena-me-whether-or-not-he-wants-to instructor this: AM I GONNA PASS AM I GONNA PASS HOW'S MY DRIVING OMGOMG I'M SCARED HOWHOWHOW OI THAT IDIOT WANNA BANG ME AR ($#%^&*(*&^%$#$%^ WILL I PASS WILL I PASS.
OMG why do I sound like a gnome/kender (Dragonlance) type today. I'm like super high and super hyper and super keesiao. Must be nerves about tomorrow. I'm crazy like that. =)
YESYESYES I went to buy chicken wings from the Gombak kopitiam and went to Cherry Prince's house to wait for him like the good little fan-prawn I am. It was only less than 24 hours since I last saw him but I missed him SO DAMN FREAKING MUCH that when he walked in through the door I just dashed over and almost rugby-tackled him while squeezing the life out of him... And then he told me his mum was looking at me BUT I DON'T CAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I WANNA HUG MY CHERRY PRINCE. RAWRS.
Okay I'm so high I need to go relax and sleep. Hope I don't freak out tomorrow. X_X
Time just flies whenever I'm spending it with Cherry Prince. Booo.
Had the usual 10AM-3PM classes today but it was better than usual!
I managed to get a seat on the MRT... And met my SPTKDC friend Shan Jun.
Chatted all the way to Dover after which I bumped into Man Man the MAN (my classmate hehehe) in the lift. Then I boing-ed happily to my Fundamentals of Finance tutorial right into my group- a bunch of cute girls in my class. LOVESSSSS!
I thought Chariot wasn't in school today so I spent UCCD lecture with the girls discussing going to Zouk with Jasmine (the class rep) this Friday for the Halloween Party.
Spent lunch with the girls as well where Kai Ting (assistant class rep) so lovingly carried the tray for me like an older sister while I was ever so helpful with her wallet. @_@ (I suck at carrying trays, like, if you want to drink your soup you carry the tray! =X)
Idiot Jason ponteng-ed school today and went to the beach so I stuck to the girls in FF lecture. Lian Bei loves me as well cuz ... She just does! She accompanies me almost everywhere and shares food and drinks with me in lectures cuz I'm such a lazy ass to go get my own. LOVESSSSS.
I keep bumping into Wang Qin (ZML's GF), Jiao Xuan (Hebe clone), Shernel and OMG I FORGOT HER NAME I'M SO SORRY BUT I NEVER TALKED MUCH TO HER. =X They're my Year 1 classmates! I met them at least 3-4 times today and took the train to Bukit Gombak with Wang Qin and Jiao Xuan. =)
Driving lesson! Revision for TP tomorrow. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I kept asking my so-poor-thing-cuz-he-always-kena-me-whether-or-not-he-wants-to instructor this: AM I GONNA PASS AM I GONNA PASS HOW'S MY DRIVING OMGOMG I'M SCARED HOWHOWHOW OI THAT IDIOT WANNA BANG ME AR ($#%^&*(*&^%$#$%^ WILL I PASS WILL I PASS.
OMG why do I sound like a gnome/kender (Dragonlance) type today. I'm like super high and super hyper and super keesiao. Must be nerves about tomorrow. I'm crazy like that. =)
YESYESYES I went to buy chicken wings from the Gombak kopitiam and went to Cherry Prince's house to wait for him like the good little fan-prawn I am. It was only less than 24 hours since I last saw him but I missed him SO DAMN FREAKING MUCH that when he walked in through the door I just dashed over and almost rugby-tackled him while squeezing the life out of him... And then he told me his mum was looking at me BUT I DON'T CAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I WANNA HUG MY CHERRY PRINCE. RAWRS.
Okay I'm so high I need to go relax and sleep. Hope I don't freak out tomorrow. X_X
Long weekend post- Monday
Happy Deepavali!
Heh. Woke up late, around 12PM, then went to Lot One with Cherry Prince to get my fruit craving settled then da-bao-ed my food and dessert craving to his house. Weeee.
Watched the new Jay Chou MTVs which... Reminds me of Chris Brown's MTVs?
It's like dance dance spin around play with jacket dance in front of expensive car dance with a hot babe then repeat the above about 5 times. -_-
Headed to my house after brunch to 'do my projects and homework' but obviously ended up slacking until Jinyu and his girlfriend Hui Hui asked us out for McD's.
Cherry Prince pretended that we didn't have any cash on us and Goldfish was suchhh a good friend, agreeing to treat us to dinner. Of course we were only kidding and went to give him the moneh before he ordered but he actually refused! I'm touched leh! Next time don't spike his ass so much in DotA liao otherwise I feel bad. =X
Heh. Woke up late, around 12PM, then went to Lot One with Cherry Prince to get my fruit craving settled then da-bao-ed my food and dessert craving to his house. Weeee.
Watched the new Jay Chou MTVs which... Reminds me of Chris Brown's MTVs?
It's like dance dance spin around play with jacket dance in front of expensive car dance with a hot babe then repeat the above about 5 times. -_-
Headed to my house after brunch to 'do my projects and homework' but obviously ended up slacking until Jinyu and his girlfriend Hui Hui asked us out for McD's.
Cherry Prince pretended that we didn't have any cash on us and Goldfish was suchhh a good friend, agreeing to treat us to dinner. Of course we were only kidding and went to give him the moneh before he ordered but he actually refused! I'm touched leh! Next time don't spike his ass so much in DotA liao otherwise I feel bad. =X
Long weekend post- Sunday
Hmm. Cherry Prince and I spent most of Sunday slacking...
The boys had their usual Sunday soccer, and because the day before I didn't manage to have my swim I went along with them!
OMG THE BIRD DIED SO TRAGICALLY AT THE STAIRS. I'm so emo now. Let's have a minute of silence for it...........
Back to business.
Princess Prawn had to wake up at 9AM then rotted in SP while they played soccer from about 10AM to 1.30PM... Then it was time to 'swim'!
Okay I know I'm a prawn but I can't swim for nuts. I haven't been into a swimming pool for about 5 years already! And Cherry Prince doesn't know that I will panic if my back faces bottom and I will breathe in water and probably die so when he went underwater to try to tip me over, I...
Screamed until all the canoe-polo dudes stopped their activity to look at me;
Yelled at him not to do it cuz I don't wanna die so early;
Realised that he can't hear my shrieking cuz he's underwater;
GRABBED HIM BY THE HAIR AND DRAGGED HIM OUT OF THE WATER to tell him what he didn't know and couldn't hear.
OMG I'm so violent I know, but I couldn't think of anything else at that moment! T_T
Sorry Cherry Prince. But just to let you know, even if you become a *PCT I'll still love you! Hehehe.
*Should be able to figure out what this means la hor! =P
Went to meet Wei Rong and JB for seafood and beer at Jurong West kopitiam!
No photos again cuz I was hungry and attacked all the food as soon as they arrived.
We had the usual:
Tsuk-tsuk? (I have no idea what on earth it is, it's a shellfish you're supposed to suck out of its shell but I can never do it! Cherry Prince got them all out for me... Hehehe.)
As for drinks, we shared 12 bottles of Carlsberg Gold between us... Which is supposed to be 3 bottles per person but JB was trying to drown Wei Rong in the stuff for laughing at him sleeping through most of Cherry Prince's birthday BBQ due to being drunk hence Wei Rong drank more than the rest of us.
3 bottle caps for a 999 solid gold lighter! (Yeah right.) So we got one lighter each, which JB used conveniently as his excuse to order more and more beer. -_-
Went home by taxi with Cherry Prince and fell asleep almost the moment my head hit the pillow. Come on lor, that's the most beer I ever had at one sitting in my entire life! My tummy felt like a bloated.... bloat. No other word for it. I swear I'm getting a beer belly from all the drinking. =(
The boys had their usual Sunday soccer, and because the day before I didn't manage to have my swim I went along with them!
OMG THE BIRD DIED SO TRAGICALLY AT THE STAIRS. I'm so emo now. Let's have a minute of silence for it...........
Back to business.
Princess Prawn had to wake up at 9AM then rotted in SP while they played soccer from about 10AM to 1.30PM... Then it was time to 'swim'!
Okay I know I'm a prawn but I can't swim for nuts. I haven't been into a swimming pool for about 5 years already! And Cherry Prince doesn't know that I will panic if my back faces bottom and I will breathe in water and probably die so when he went underwater to try to tip me over, I...
Screamed until all the canoe-polo dudes stopped their activity to look at me;
Yelled at him not to do it cuz I don't wanna die so early;
Realised that he can't hear my shrieking cuz he's underwater;
GRABBED HIM BY THE HAIR AND DRAGGED HIM OUT OF THE WATER to tell him what he didn't know and couldn't hear.
OMG I'm so violent I know, but I couldn't think of anything else at that moment! T_T
Sorry Cherry Prince. But just to let you know, even if you become a *PCT I'll still love you! Hehehe.
*Should be able to figure out what this means la hor! =P
Went to meet Wei Rong and JB for seafood and beer at Jurong West kopitiam!
No photos again cuz I was hungry and attacked all the food as soon as they arrived.
We had the usual:
Tsuk-tsuk? (I have no idea what on earth it is, it's a shellfish you're supposed to suck out of its shell but I can never do it! Cherry Prince got them all out for me... Hehehe.)
As for drinks, we shared 12 bottles of Carlsberg Gold between us... Which is supposed to be 3 bottles per person but JB was trying to drown Wei Rong in the stuff for laughing at him sleeping through most of Cherry Prince's birthday BBQ due to being drunk hence Wei Rong drank more than the rest of us.
3 bottle caps for a 999 solid gold lighter! (Yeah right.) So we got one lighter each, which JB used conveniently as his excuse to order more and more beer. -_-
Went home by taxi with Cherry Prince and fell asleep almost the moment my head hit the pillow. Come on lor, that's the most beer I ever had at one sitting in my entire life! My tummy felt like a bloated.... bloat. No other word for it. I swear I'm getting a beer belly from all the drinking. =(
Saturday, October 25, 2008
TGIF + Long weekend. Yippee!
Had a tiring week!
Yesterday (Friday) was a 1PM-5PM day. TGIF LA!
Introductory Visual Basic was boring as usual with the copying and pasting. I don't understand laaaaaa OMG lol. I got the feeling we'll be copying and pasting during the exams as well. -_-
TA1 was funny! The teacher was like going to cry because nobody was bothering to answer him.... So I decided to be nice and .... kept answering his questions. Also because I was bored and about to fall asleep and didn't want to hear him repeat questions and the answers to them more than 6 times. Zzz. What's the outcome of being a nice girl?
The teacher remembers your name and keeps shooting you tough questions that nobody else answers. Especially when you're playing games and didn't happen to even hear his initial question. RAWRRRRRRRR. I shouldn't have been so nice! *grumbles*
Went HOME after lesson to rest while waiting for driving lesson. Urgh. I didn't realise my TP is so close until the MA2 tutor mentioned the date! Then I totally freaked out. I can't even get lessons on the long weekend! ... Sian. A bit worried...
I didn't get my group for the lesson. GRRRRRRRRR. I got stuck with the uncle group. Lol. Got an uncle and he was so so so SO SO SO naggy and not entertaining. Plus he said the instructors in my group are 'all young and handsome'... Not exactly, but slightly better than the ah peh group ba- not so Hokkien-pai type and not as crude for sure... At least my instructor spoke English, unlike some who actually described the car functions in Mandarin to me. WTFOMGBBQ I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE SAYING UNCLE! -_-|||
Driving was fine even though I had prawns with XO before that. Hehehe. Cherry Prince had a drink with Jian Wei at Boat Quay before coming over to pick me up.
Had dinner at Cherry Prince's house then it was HOMEEEEEE again.
OMG. Cherry Prince's laptop (Hebe) DIED. It went into a coma after hibernating. OMGOMGOMG. We're gonna have to try to revive it at the Acer laptop doctor soon. But the stupid service centre closes at 5.15PM everyday (Mon-Fri), 12PM on Sat and 7PM on Wednesdays... My lessons end at 5PM everyday and I have my TP on Wednesday! Even worse, even their call centre closes at these times as well. WTFFFFFFF you think weekend and public holiday only peoples' laptop don't spoil one ar. Nabeh. -_-
Woke up lateeee at about 12PM+ and headed to Cherry Prince's house for breakfast before going to gym at SP. Wanted to swim but there was some kids' swimming lesson at the pool and I didn't really wanna join in the fun cuz I'm allergic to kids. Hahaha.
Had spicy drumlets at Pizza Hut in school! =D
OMG. This little birdie was half dead and trapped in the air-conditioned area at FC5! We rescued it (okay, Cherry Prince did) and put it outside... But it was too weak to even move much. Poor thing. T_T

If anyone sees it don't bully it okay! It's so small and kelian! =(
Today was a resting day... Had KFC (after gym, so smart of me right -_-) and watched Octopus 2. =) Poor Cherry Prince hasn't got much to do without a laptop... So I shall accompany him! Tata!
Yesterday (Friday) was a 1PM-5PM day. TGIF LA!
Introductory Visual Basic was boring as usual with the copying and pasting. I don't understand laaaaaa OMG lol. I got the feeling we'll be copying and pasting during the exams as well. -_-
TA1 was funny! The teacher was like going to cry because nobody was bothering to answer him.... So I decided to be nice and .... kept answering his questions. Also because I was bored and about to fall asleep and didn't want to hear him repeat questions and the answers to them more than 6 times. Zzz. What's the outcome of being a nice girl?
The teacher remembers your name and keeps shooting you tough questions that nobody else answers. Especially when you're playing games and didn't happen to even hear his initial question. RAWRRRRRRRR. I shouldn't have been so nice! *grumbles*
Went HOME after lesson to rest while waiting for driving lesson. Urgh. I didn't realise my TP is so close until the MA2 tutor mentioned the date! Then I totally freaked out. I can't even get lessons on the long weekend! ... Sian. A bit worried...
I didn't get my group for the lesson. GRRRRRRRRR. I got stuck with the uncle group. Lol. Got an uncle and he was so so so SO SO SO naggy and not entertaining. Plus he said the instructors in my group are 'all young and handsome'... Not exactly, but slightly better than the ah peh group ba- not so Hokkien-pai type and not as crude for sure... At least my instructor spoke English, unlike some who actually described the car functions in Mandarin to me. WTFOMGBBQ I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE SAYING UNCLE! -_-|||
Driving was fine even though I had prawns with XO before that. Hehehe. Cherry Prince had a drink with Jian Wei at Boat Quay before coming over to pick me up.
Had dinner at Cherry Prince's house then it was HOMEEEEEE again.
OMG. Cherry Prince's laptop (Hebe) DIED. It went into a coma after hibernating. OMGOMGOMG. We're gonna have to try to revive it at the Acer laptop doctor soon. But the stupid service centre closes at 5.15PM everyday (Mon-Fri), 12PM on Sat and 7PM on Wednesdays... My lessons end at 5PM everyday and I have my TP on Wednesday! Even worse, even their call centre closes at these times as well. WTFFFFFFF you think weekend and public holiday only peoples' laptop don't spoil one ar. Nabeh. -_-
Woke up lateeee at about 12PM+ and headed to Cherry Prince's house for breakfast before going to gym at SP. Wanted to swim but there was some kids' swimming lesson at the pool and I didn't really wanna join in the fun cuz I'm allergic to kids. Hahaha.
Had spicy drumlets at Pizza Hut in school! =D
OMG. This little birdie was half dead and trapped in the air-conditioned area at FC5! We rescued it (okay, Cherry Prince did) and put it outside... But it was too weak to even move much. Poor thing. T_T
If anyone sees it don't bully it okay! It's so small and kelian! =(
Today was a resting day... Had KFC (after gym, so smart of me right -_-) and watched Octopus 2. =) Poor Cherry Prince hasn't got much to do without a laptop... So I shall accompany him! Tata!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Dead... Tired...
My timetable is killing me. 9AM-5PM today.
I was considering skipping the morning MA2 tutorial cuz I was damn tired and there's a two hour break after that. BUT I stupidly decided to be hardworking and dragged my zombie-like self to school anyway. I woke up late and only left my house at 8.30AM.
Reached Dover MRT at 9.10AM and freaking rushed to class while I was in heels cuz I didn't want to be late. WALAO, MRT to T2247 is like one km uphill can?!!
And then guess what? The (*&^%^&*&^%$#%&*&%$#$%^ teacher came in at 9.30, briefed us about the individual project for 15 minutes, AND LEFT. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL? Can't he just tell us in the lecture?! YOU MAKE PEOPLE COME TO SCHOOL SO EARLY FOR FUCK?! CCB. I was fucking pissed off man. Some more come in late without apologies. I jitao point middle finger at him today la.
Went to the library to do the MA2 project but ended up rotting and attempting to fix the library computer cuz I didn't dare to use my thumbdrive on it. I think it has a virus or something. -_-
UCCD tutorial was weird. He went through lecture slides (like huh? repeating something I totally don't want to hear twice?) then we played a card game called... Banghra or something. It's for us to understand cultural differences, acceptance and adaptation along with handling language differences (hence we weren't allowed to talk after memorising the rules of the home table).
MA2 lecture was fun as usual with cute Mr Ambrose taking it. However some people at the back of the lecture hall caused us to have to sit with alternate seats between us.......
TA1 lecture was (*&^%$%^&*&^%%^&*(. He spent the first hour explaining about price action. Okay fine. Then there was a break and we came back to listen to him explain about.... The Wall Street crash? Duh? That's not covered in his module can? And we were 'forced' to understand it in Financial Markets already. Repeat situation from UCCD. -_-
Then he went on to tell us something about pests in the house and how he killed something in a plastic bag...... I was too frustrated to listen so I don't know what the fuck it was that died in a plastic bag by the hands of my lecturer. He spent twenty minutes wasting our time teling us things that has nothing to do with TA. -_-
I was still half-asleep and listening to the lecture when I heard a gasp from my friend that has absolutely no link with the lecture. What's so scary about a downtrend in the past right? So I looked up. WALAO, there was this fucking huge spider on the wall behind the lecturer! Everyone was making a lot of noise cuz the spider is that fucking big! It's like bigger than my hand la! (Although admittedly I have a small hand... BUT STILL!)
I dashed off as soon as the lecture ended at 4.50PM cuz I had an appointment at Suntec at 5PM! I thought class ended at 4PM today when I made the booking last night. Dumby me. Oh well. I sped my way to the MRT and reached City Hall MRT at 5.15PM... And managed to get there at 5.25PM! TURBO with heels okay! Dunch pray pray~ Lol.
OMG. Total sia suay-ness. I went for a pedicure at Hollywood Nails and IT'S SO TICKLISH!!!!!!! I was squirming, rolling around and giggling like an idiot. I guess I looked very funny cuz one of the girls came out just to watch. -.- My feet are squeaky clean and very smooth now! Cherry Prince was trying to drag me to his dad's room in his house just now and I actually skiied behind him for a bit! O_O
The girls discovered I have really small feet.... Their hands are almost the same size as my feet! *faints*
Met up with Cherry Prince after he knocked off and went to buy SHOES! Le Coq Sportif was having a MAJOR sale. Prices were slashed from almost $140 to just $9.90! Wee. Cherry Prince bought a pair for me but I couldn't get the one I wanted cuz there wasn't my size! Hmph. The sales people are really rude by the way. Assholes.
Woot. Went to have curry chicken at Killiney's with Cherry Prince. It was gooooood! We also bought chocolate for the Empress since she likes it so much! =D
Tireddd. So we took the MRT to Marina Bay and back to CCK, headed to his house for dinner and am back!
Cherry Prince just told me I'm ugly. I shall go emo now. =(
I was considering skipping the morning MA2 tutorial cuz I was damn tired and there's a two hour break after that. BUT I stupidly decided to be hardworking and dragged my zombie-like self to school anyway. I woke up late and only left my house at 8.30AM.
Reached Dover MRT at 9.10AM and freaking rushed to class while I was in heels cuz I didn't want to be late. WALAO, MRT to T2247 is like one km uphill can?!!
And then guess what? The (*&^%^&*&^%$#%&*&%$#$%^ teacher came in at 9.30, briefed us about the individual project for 15 minutes, AND LEFT. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL? Can't he just tell us in the lecture?! YOU MAKE PEOPLE COME TO SCHOOL SO EARLY FOR FUCK?! CCB. I was fucking pissed off man. Some more come in late without apologies. I jitao point middle finger at him today la.
Went to the library to do the MA2 project but ended up rotting and attempting to fix the library computer cuz I didn't dare to use my thumbdrive on it. I think it has a virus or something. -_-
UCCD tutorial was weird. He went through lecture slides (like huh? repeating something I totally don't want to hear twice?) then we played a card game called... Banghra or something. It's for us to understand cultural differences, acceptance and adaptation along with handling language differences (hence we weren't allowed to talk after memorising the rules of the home table).
MA2 lecture was fun as usual with cute Mr Ambrose taking it. However some people at the back of the lecture hall caused us to have to sit with alternate seats between us.......
TA1 lecture was (*&^%$%^&*&^%%^&*(. He spent the first hour explaining about price action. Okay fine. Then there was a break and we came back to listen to him explain about.... The Wall Street crash? Duh? That's not covered in his module can? And we were 'forced' to understand it in Financial Markets already. Repeat situation from UCCD. -_-
Then he went on to tell us something about pests in the house and how he killed something in a plastic bag...... I was too frustrated to listen so I don't know what the fuck it was that died in a plastic bag by the hands of my lecturer. He spent twenty minutes wasting our time teling us things that has nothing to do with TA. -_-
I was still half-asleep and listening to the lecture when I heard a gasp from my friend that has absolutely no link with the lecture. What's so scary about a downtrend in the past right? So I looked up. WALAO, there was this fucking huge spider on the wall behind the lecturer! Everyone was making a lot of noise cuz the spider is that fucking big! It's like bigger than my hand la! (Although admittedly I have a small hand... BUT STILL!)
I dashed off as soon as the lecture ended at 4.50PM cuz I had an appointment at Suntec at 5PM! I thought class ended at 4PM today when I made the booking last night. Dumby me. Oh well. I sped my way to the MRT and reached City Hall MRT at 5.15PM... And managed to get there at 5.25PM! TURBO with heels okay! Dunch pray pray~ Lol.
OMG. Total sia suay-ness. I went for a pedicure at Hollywood Nails and IT'S SO TICKLISH!!!!!!! I was squirming, rolling around and giggling like an idiot. I guess I looked very funny cuz one of the girls came out just to watch. -.- My feet are squeaky clean and very smooth now! Cherry Prince was trying to drag me to his dad's room in his house just now and I actually skiied behind him for a bit! O_O
The girls discovered I have really small feet.... Their hands are almost the same size as my feet! *faints*
Met up with Cherry Prince after he knocked off and went to buy SHOES! Le Coq Sportif was having a MAJOR sale. Prices were slashed from almost $140 to just $9.90! Wee. Cherry Prince bought a pair for me but I couldn't get the one I wanted cuz there wasn't my size! Hmph. The sales people are really rude by the way. Assholes.
Woot. Went to have curry chicken at Killiney's with Cherry Prince. It was gooooood! We also bought chocolate for the Empress since she likes it so much! =D
Tireddd. So we took the MRT to Marina Bay and back to CCK, headed to his house for dinner and am back!
Cherry Prince just told me I'm ugly. I shall go emo now. =(
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Lucky day!
Wee. Lessons from 8AM-1PM today!
I think MRTs have bad feng shui for me or something. Today my toe nail got crushed by this idiot who stepped on it as he was forcing his way out of the train. It's the very same nail each time it happens and IT SO FUCKING HURTS cuz this is the second time this incident happened plus this poor toe of mine has two other accidents already. T_T
I didn't drink my coffee today cuz I woke up late. It resulted in me being physically awake and in class but with my brain totally turned off. The Financial Markets tutorial was crapificulation cuz there were questions to be answered and presented and MY BRAIN WAS LEFT ON MY PILLOW. I didn't contribute and just stared at the article I was supposed to be getting the answers from and dreamed about going to buy mascara at Orchard later. -_-
I have really nice classmates. Jason didn't crash my Business Law lecture cuz he wanted to sleep so I chilled with the guys. There weren't enough seats for all of us at the back so Yang Shen very kindly offered to sit with me in another row. =) He's the hardworking boy who always brings the laptop and gets bugged by my whining in tutorials. ><
Jason pangseh-ed me during lunch so I rotted in the library as usual. But he came over halfway through the break to look for me! Touched leh bro! Here's what brothers do when they're stuck in the library with nothing to do...

I know I look very ugly la. I'm tired today can! No caffeine boost you know!
I needed a kaki to go to town with me so I smsed Kai Long and Gary. Poor Kai Long has lessons till 6PM today but Gary was free so he accompanied me! And OMG, I'm so lucky he was driving today. I felt bad for the ERP and parking though so I asked him to park at PS where it's cheaper and WALKED to town. Of course I dumped all my heavy stuff in the backseat. My bag is SOOOOOO light without books I CAN FLYYYYYYY~ Ok lame. Sorry, haha.
BTW when Gary and I walked out from PS, we bumped into Yang Shen! Gary was complaining that he should have left his car at SP and taken the MRT there since YS took the same amount of time on the MRT as we did by driving. -_-
I got my mascara so I'm happy! But I feel damn cheated. I bought it for $48 at Tangs but it's selling at DFS for $39. *grumble grumble* But I picked up money in MA2 lab on Monday and in Far East today... So I shan't grumble so much, hehe!
Cherry Prince got my feather pillow for me from Aussino at 40% discount! WHEE!
I'm a happy prawn today! =D
I shall end with a photo I found taken with Jesxeca on her birthday celebration!

Don't ask me why I smile already face still so black... Sha qi you know? ><
I think MRTs have bad feng shui for me or something. Today my toe nail got crushed by this idiot who stepped on it as he was forcing his way out of the train. It's the very same nail each time it happens and IT SO FUCKING HURTS cuz this is the second time this incident happened plus this poor toe of mine has two other accidents already. T_T
I didn't drink my coffee today cuz I woke up late. It resulted in me being physically awake and in class but with my brain totally turned off. The Financial Markets tutorial was crapificulation cuz there were questions to be answered and presented and MY BRAIN WAS LEFT ON MY PILLOW. I didn't contribute and just stared at the article I was supposed to be getting the answers from and dreamed about going to buy mascara at Orchard later. -_-
I have really nice classmates. Jason didn't crash my Business Law lecture cuz he wanted to sleep so I chilled with the guys. There weren't enough seats for all of us at the back so Yang Shen very kindly offered to sit with me in another row. =) He's the hardworking boy who always brings the laptop and gets bugged by my whining in tutorials. ><
Jason pangseh-ed me during lunch so I rotted in the library as usual. But he came over halfway through the break to look for me! Touched leh bro! Here's what brothers do when they're stuck in the library with nothing to do...
I know I look very ugly la. I'm tired today can! No caffeine boost you know!
I needed a kaki to go to town with me so I smsed Kai Long and Gary. Poor Kai Long has lessons till 6PM today but Gary was free so he accompanied me! And OMG, I'm so lucky he was driving today. I felt bad for the ERP and parking though so I asked him to park at PS where it's cheaper and WALKED to town. Of course I dumped all my heavy stuff in the backseat. My bag is SOOOOOO light without books I CAN FLYYYYYYY~ Ok lame. Sorry, haha.
BTW when Gary and I walked out from PS, we bumped into Yang Shen! Gary was complaining that he should have left his car at SP and taken the MRT there since YS took the same amount of time on the MRT as we did by driving. -_-
I got my mascara so I'm happy! But I feel damn cheated. I bought it for $48 at Tangs but it's selling at DFS for $39. *grumble grumble* But I picked up money in MA2 lab on Monday and in Far East today... So I shan't grumble so much, hehe!
Cherry Prince got my feather pillow for me from Aussino at 40% discount! WHEE!
I'm a happy prawn today! =D
I shall end with a photo I found taken with Jesxeca on her birthday celebration!
Don't ask me why I smile already face still so black... Sha qi you know? ><
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wonderful Tuesdays
10AM to 3PM is BLISSFUL! I still feel awfully tired from yesterday though.
Jerina is no longer a loser in school!
I have a group for FF!
I have a UCCD lecture kaki- Chariot!
I have a lunchtime and FF lecture kaki- Jason!
It's mean to say this, but thank goodness for forward module friends!
Hehehe. I'm so evil!
Rotted with Jason after school cuz he was waiting for his GF.
Deliberated about whether or not to go to Suntec to wait for Cherry Prince... And decided against it because I was tired and I'm a bit sick of the scary people.
It's back home... AND DOING MULTIPLE REGRESSION ON EXCEL 2007 IS SO FUCKING FUCKED UP! GRRR. I'm about to tear the hair out of my scalp from frustration. -_-
Jerina is no longer a loser in school!
I have a group for FF!
I have a UCCD lecture kaki- Chariot!
I have a lunchtime and FF lecture kaki- Jason!
It's mean to say this, but thank goodness for forward module friends!
Hehehe. I'm so evil!
Rotted with Jason after school cuz he was waiting for his GF.
Deliberated about whether or not to go to Suntec to wait for Cherry Prince... And decided against it because I was tired and I'm a bit sick of the scary people.
It's back home... AND DOING MULTIPLE REGRESSION ON EXCEL 2007 IS SO FUCKING FUCKED UP! GRRR. I'm about to tear the hair out of my scalp from frustration. -_-
Monday, October 20, 2008
Killer Monday
Urgh. MRT at 7AM + school from 8AM to 5PM + gym + heavy barang barang = DEAD PRAWN.
I swear my back was cramping from carrying all that stuff around school. I had to curl up for about one hour before it went away. T_T
Any nice classmate wanna do me the favour?
Heh. The usual Monday blues and MRT whinings. Today wasn't that bad though. I thought I'd be slightly late but I managed to catch the direct train to Pasir Ris from CCK. =)
I managed not to fall asleep in Business Law tutorial. Yippie!
Met Raymond for gym during my 3 hour break at 10AM. Managed to improve slightly despite not running for ages! The rest was terrible and I shall not talk about it...
Froze my ass off in LT8 and LT10 after a shower. Brrr.
My brain nearly exploded during MA2 tutorial. Multiple regression! ><
Went home myself with like 10KG of barang or something.
Saw a very very VERY PRETTY couple on the train! How can they be so perfect?! No make up, beautiful skin, eyes, long and curly lashes, DIMPLES, lovely nose. Both the 'BF' and the 'GF' are damn pretty! Couldn't keep my eyes off them and I was hoping the 'BF' wouldn't get pissed off and whack me. Hehe!
Dinner with Cherry Prince after his work.
Came home, then realised the Empress stole my Kirsch cherry chocolates to eat! Grr. Need to stock up!
Tired Princess Prawn needs to get some work done. Tata!
P.S. I wish SP students don't form a six-man road block when they stroll along taking their own sweet time. If at any point in time you find an angry prawn carrying a 10KG load kicking one of your asses out of the freaking way, don't blame me. Today alone, I've thought of doing that at least seven times. LEAVE A FREAKING SPACE FOR PEOPLE TO GO PAST, FUCKWITS. Not everyone lives in the slow lane like you do!
BTW, if you happen to be a guy studying in SP EEE and was part of a six-man road block outside the auditorium at about 5.30PM, YES I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU, AND THE NEXT TIME YOU DO IT I WILL KICK YOUR ASS.
I swear my back was cramping from carrying all that stuff around school. I had to curl up for about one hour before it went away. T_T
Any nice classmate wanna do me the favour?
Heh. The usual Monday blues and MRT whinings. Today wasn't that bad though. I thought I'd be slightly late but I managed to catch the direct train to Pasir Ris from CCK. =)
I managed not to fall asleep in Business Law tutorial. Yippie!
Met Raymond for gym during my 3 hour break at 10AM. Managed to improve slightly despite not running for ages! The rest was terrible and I shall not talk about it...
Froze my ass off in LT8 and LT10 after a shower. Brrr.
My brain nearly exploded during MA2 tutorial. Multiple regression! ><
Went home myself with like 10KG of barang or something.
Saw a very very VERY PRETTY couple on the train! How can they be so perfect?! No make up, beautiful skin, eyes, long and curly lashes, DIMPLES, lovely nose. Both the 'BF' and the 'GF' are damn pretty! Couldn't keep my eyes off them and I was hoping the 'BF' wouldn't get pissed off and whack me. Hehe!
Dinner with Cherry Prince after his work.
Came home, then realised the Empress stole my Kirsch cherry chocolates to eat! Grr. Need to stock up!
Tired Princess Prawn needs to get some work done. Tata!
P.S. I wish SP students don't form a six-man road block when they stroll along taking their own sweet time. If at any point in time you find an angry prawn carrying a 10KG load kicking one of your asses out of the freaking way, don't blame me. Today alone, I've thought of doing that at least seven times. LEAVE A FREAKING SPACE FOR PEOPLE TO GO PAST, FUCKWITS. Not everyone lives in the slow lane like you do!
BTW, if you happen to be a guy studying in SP EEE and was part of a six-man road block outside the auditorium at about 5.30PM, YES I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU, AND THE NEXT TIME YOU DO IT I WILL KICK YOUR ASS.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My cousin's wedding!
My cousin got married yesterday!
Left Singapore with the Chinese Imperial Family at 2.30PM and dropped by the English Royal house to make up and change.

Jeanelle making a cute face when she knew I was gonna take a photo.

Me camwhoring while waiting for the others to get ready!

My granny and me!

The Crown Prince and me!
Dinner time!
It was a super big family gathering cuz even my uncle from Ipoh came over for the dinner! Woot woot!
I sat with the Crown Prince and throughout the whole dinner we were making evil comments and talking rubbish even though he was pretty busy taking care of Jeanelle. I miss the feeling of someone understanding what I'm thinking without me having to say it! Urgh I miss my brothers!
No photos of food cuz I was too busy~ Hehe!
But look at this! Interesting event to have a at wedding right?

Managed to guess what event this is?
.... It's a bunch of rowdy kids taking down the stage by stomping, jumping, screaming, tearing down the decoration and throwing balloons at people. And I was sitting next to the stage. I SO FUCKING WANNA KILL THEM WITH A SHOTGUN.
And guess what their parents are doing? Look at the photos again! They are NOT STOPPING their children from making a fucking mess at the wedding. THEY ARE JUST THERE TO MAKE SURE THEIR KIDS DON'T GET HURT. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?!!
-_____- Fucking hell.
Rant over, on to happier things again.

Jeanelle was so tired that she just slept there while everyone prepared for a long trip back to Singapore.
Well I'm going to DotA now. Ciao~!
Left Singapore with the Chinese Imperial Family at 2.30PM and dropped by the English Royal house to make up and change.
Jeanelle making a cute face when she knew I was gonna take a photo.
Me camwhoring while waiting for the others to get ready!
My granny and me!
The Crown Prince and me!
Dinner time!
It was a super big family gathering cuz even my uncle from Ipoh came over for the dinner! Woot woot!
I sat with the Crown Prince and throughout the whole dinner we were making evil comments and talking rubbish even though he was pretty busy taking care of Jeanelle. I miss the feeling of someone understanding what I'm thinking without me having to say it! Urgh I miss my brothers!
No photos of food cuz I was too busy~ Hehe!
But look at this! Interesting event to have a at wedding right?
Managed to guess what event this is?
.... It's a bunch of rowdy kids taking down the stage by stomping, jumping, screaming, tearing down the decoration and throwing balloons at people. And I was sitting next to the stage. I SO FUCKING WANNA KILL THEM WITH A SHOTGUN.
And guess what their parents are doing? Look at the photos again! They are NOT STOPPING their children from making a fucking mess at the wedding. THEY ARE JUST THERE TO MAKE SURE THEIR KIDS DON'T GET HURT. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?!!
-_____- Fucking hell.
Rant over, on to happier things again.
Jeanelle was so tired that she just slept there while everyone prepared for a long trip back to Singapore.
Well I'm going to DotA now. Ciao~!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Alice Nine!
Mirror Ball
They only get hotter as time goes by! Rawrs~
咲き誇る華のように -Neo Visualizm-
Amazing change just cuz of make up in the girl! So random..
Shindemo Boogie-Woogie
MYV looks pretty in this!
Selfish Love
Skill only!
Mirror Ball
They only get hotter as time goes by! Rawrs~
咲き誇る華のように -Neo Visualizm-
Amazing change just cuz of make up in the girl! So random..
Shindemo Boogie-Woogie
MYV looks pretty in this!
Selfish Love
Skill only!
What to do if you're feeling down
Watch these! =D
Text Message Breakup
Let Me Borrow That Top
No Booty Calls
Feel better?
Text Message Breakup
Let Me Borrow That Top
No Booty Calls
Feel better?
TGIF! A.K.A Trekking Day Part 2
First week of school and I'm already half dead.
WALAO! I want to complain again! It's not about the MRT this time cuz my lesson started at 1PM today. It's... It's... It's the FREAKING DBS CASH DEPOSIT MACHINE!!!!! WHY IS IT ALWAYS BREAKING DOWN?!!
The cash deposit machine at the MRT wasn't able to accept deposits by passbook... But I just wanted to update to check if money has been transferred! So I had to walk to DBS, THEN walk to the post office, THEN go back to the MRT. Which is like point B to point C to point A to point B. BTW, out of the two cash deposit machines outside DBS, one also couldn't accept passbooks and there was a super long queue for the one which could. Which I assume will break down soon as well due to the overwhelming number of people using it.
Visual Basic was crapificulation. We spent half an hour doing ITAB-like stuff and then COPYING AND PASTING the codes. And for another hour the teacher was going around helping people out individually..... AND DIDN'T INFORM US THAT WE CAN LEAVE IF WE'RE DONE. -____-
And my VB GEMS was at T7 which is damn freaking far from the MRT. Then I went to T1 to get my admin card which is right at the end of SP. Then I went for TA1 lesson at T22 which is right at the opposite end of SP, walking past the MRT. -_-
TA1 was naggification as per normal. I know I came up with two terms today but I have no other way to put it!
Went to Suntec alone to meet Cherry Prince and met a few weirdos again.
Also trekked around from City Hall MRT through City Link Mall and Suntec for an hour and then back while waiting for Cherry Prince to knock off.
Camwhored while waiting for Jian Wei and Ah Long to join us after work.

Demonstration of how to give a plastic smile, by Princess Prawn. =)
Headed to Boat Quay for dinner and drinks. Trekked around for some time trying to find a nice bar then ended up spending most of the time drinking, singing and playing pool at U bar. Cherry Prince ordered a Bailey's for me cuz I don't like beer. =)

Jian Wei singing ... I forgot what song it was.

The guys playing pool!
I walked around so much today my legs are hurting! T_T
And Cherry Prince is like freaking obsessed with work and bringing work home which is WTF for the measly internship pay. GAH.
On a sidenote, I found the pillow I wanted in Aussino, on 40% discount, AND BETTER QUALITY THAN WHAT YOU CAN GET ONLINE. WHEEEEE. I can't really get high now cuz I'm feeling.... miffed. Somehow. Sigh~
WALAO! I want to complain again! It's not about the MRT this time cuz my lesson started at 1PM today. It's... It's... It's the FREAKING DBS CASH DEPOSIT MACHINE!!!!! WHY IS IT ALWAYS BREAKING DOWN?!!
The cash deposit machine at the MRT wasn't able to accept deposits by passbook... But I just wanted to update to check if money has been transferred! So I had to walk to DBS, THEN walk to the post office, THEN go back to the MRT. Which is like point B to point C to point A to point B. BTW, out of the two cash deposit machines outside DBS, one also couldn't accept passbooks and there was a super long queue for the one which could. Which I assume will break down soon as well due to the overwhelming number of people using it.
Visual Basic was crapificulation. We spent half an hour doing ITAB-like stuff and then COPYING AND PASTING the codes. And for another hour the teacher was going around helping people out individually..... AND DIDN'T INFORM US THAT WE CAN LEAVE IF WE'RE DONE. -____-
And my VB GEMS was at T7 which is damn freaking far from the MRT. Then I went to T1 to get my admin card which is right at the end of SP. Then I went for TA1 lesson at T22 which is right at the opposite end of SP, walking past the MRT. -_-
TA1 was naggification as per normal. I know I came up with two terms today but I have no other way to put it!
Went to Suntec alone to meet Cherry Prince and met a few weirdos again.
Also trekked around from City Hall MRT through City Link Mall and Suntec for an hour and then back while waiting for Cherry Prince to knock off.
Camwhored while waiting for Jian Wei and Ah Long to join us after work.
Demonstration of how to give a plastic smile, by Princess Prawn. =)
Headed to Boat Quay for dinner and drinks. Trekked around for some time trying to find a nice bar then ended up spending most of the time drinking, singing and playing pool at U bar. Cherry Prince ordered a Bailey's for me cuz I don't like beer. =)
Jian Wei singing ... I forgot what song it was.
The guys playing pool!
I walked around so much today my legs are hurting! T_T
And Cherry Prince is like freaking obsessed with work and bringing work home which is WTF for the measly internship pay. GAH.
On a sidenote, I found the pillow I wanted in Aussino, on 40% discount, AND BETTER QUALITY THAN WHAT YOU CAN GET ONLINE. WHEEEEE. I can't really get high now cuz I'm feeling.... miffed. Somehow. Sigh~
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Stupid people...
MAII tutorial was cancelled today so I only had class from 12-5PM. Shiok only. I spent almost the whole day in school with girls (for once)!
UCCD tutorial was crap cuz we had to form groups of six. The guys had their group already in six. The girls had five and quickly 'chopped' another one. My group... had seven people and nobody wanted to leave SO we spent about twenty minutes deciding how to settle this problem. -_- Lame right?
TA1 lecture was two hours. And the teacher is super duper uber naggy. He's going to be lecturing and tutoring us for the next one year. T_T
Went to City Hall to meet Cherry Prince after school, because:
1) I wanted to see Cherry Prince and surprise him
(but he called before I reached and I don't lie to Cherry Prince so I didn't manage to surprise him- WHY DO YOU ALWAYS CALL ME WHEN I'M TRYING TO SURPRISE YOU?!!!!);
2) I wanted to do some shopping for him;
3) It was raining and I couldn't go home anyway.
So I went to City Hall myself, got lost, sidetracked into several shops that don't contain anything for Cherry Prince, DID MANAGE to find what I wanted to get for him, as well as meet weird people.
First person:
Bodyshop salesgirl who seemed pretty lost when I asked her about items in the shop but liked my bag and asked me where I bought it.
Second person (and actually the third and fourth as well):
Random guys who looked at me, did a double-take, then a triple-take, then furtively followed me. WTF?
Fifth person:
More pro than the last three. Looked at me, double-takeD, triple-takeD, furtively followed me AND then came up with the best pick-up line ever known to humankind:
(Those in single inverted commas are what I and what I assume Weird Guy was thinking and those in double inverted commas are what the actual conversation was.)
"Hi Miss, I saw you just now and I would like to get to know you... Can I be your friend? Just a friend, nothing more."
"No thanks, it's okay."
'Okay, let's try to convince her...'
"Just a friend also cannot? How come you are alone? You look sad. I can be your friend!"
"No lah, it's really okay."
'Maybe she likes brainy guys?'
"Come on... I just came back from Australia, I'm studying there, just holidaying for a month in Singapore now. I just want to make friends!"
'Summer break is for three months from November/December till February, dumbass...'
"... It's FINE, THANKS."
'Let's try something else... Travelling?'
"Are you free this Sunday? Want to go JB with me? I have a car, I can drive you in..."
'........ I CAN GO IN MYSELF, WTF!'
"Not free."
'This one must be a gold digger la! Heh heh, I know JUST what to say.'
"What about other days? Now the price of cars dropping, got this car I want to buy, it's only 700k! Want to go with me to see anot?"
"No thanks."
'Keep trying! Girls are ALL materialistic!'
"You know what car anot? I want to buy Lamborghini leh! Go with me to choose la, then when I'm not in Singapore you can drive my car. Most of the time I'm in Australia ma!"
"Look, I'm going to meet my BOYFRIEND now, okay? Bye."
He's so damn persistent! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Went to meet Cherry Prince after this *censored* finally gave up. And he thoroughly discouraged me from buying: Mango jacket and jumper, shoes and other stuff I can't remember. I WANT MY MANGO STUFF DAMNIT! T______T
I managed to get my dessert and his sunblock by pretending to be angry with him though! He didn't even know I was buying the sunblock for him! Hehehe. No more sunburn after Sunday soccer, babycakes! =D

European Caramel Custard

Banana Creme Brulee
Both weren't up to expectations though. Maybe I'm too spoilt when it comes to food!
Time for bed. Good night! =D
UCCD tutorial was crap cuz we had to form groups of six. The guys had their group already in six. The girls had five and quickly 'chopped' another one. My group... had seven people and nobody wanted to leave SO we spent about twenty minutes deciding how to settle this problem. -_- Lame right?
TA1 lecture was two hours. And the teacher is super duper uber naggy. He's going to be lecturing and tutoring us for the next one year. T_T
Went to City Hall to meet Cherry Prince after school, because:
1) I wanted to see Cherry Prince and surprise him
(but he called before I reached and I don't lie to Cherry Prince so I didn't manage to surprise him- WHY DO YOU ALWAYS CALL ME WHEN I'M TRYING TO SURPRISE YOU?!!!!);
2) I wanted to do some shopping for him;
3) It was raining and I couldn't go home anyway.
So I went to City Hall myself, got lost, sidetracked into several shops that don't contain anything for Cherry Prince, DID MANAGE to find what I wanted to get for him, as well as meet weird people.
First person:
Bodyshop salesgirl who seemed pretty lost when I asked her about items in the shop but liked my bag and asked me where I bought it.
Second person (and actually the third and fourth as well):
Random guys who looked at me, did a double-take, then a triple-take, then furtively followed me. WTF?
Fifth person:
More pro than the last three. Looked at me, double-takeD, triple-takeD, furtively followed me AND then came up with the best pick-up line ever known to humankind:
(Those in single inverted commas are what I and what I assume Weird Guy was thinking and those in double inverted commas are what the actual conversation was.)
"Hi Miss, I saw you just now and I would like to get to know you... Can I be your friend? Just a friend, nothing more."
"No thanks, it's okay."
'Okay, let's try to convince her...'
"Just a friend also cannot? How come you are alone? You look sad. I can be your friend!"
"No lah, it's really okay."
'Maybe she likes brainy guys?'
"Come on... I just came back from Australia, I'm studying there, just holidaying for a month in Singapore now. I just want to make friends!"
'Summer break is for three months from November/December till February, dumbass...'
"... It's FINE, THANKS."
'Let's try something else... Travelling?'
"Are you free this Sunday? Want to go JB with me? I have a car, I can drive you in..."
'........ I CAN GO IN MYSELF, WTF!'
"Not free."
'This one must be a gold digger la! Heh heh, I know JUST what to say.'
"What about other days? Now the price of cars dropping, got this car I want to buy, it's only 700k! Want to go with me to see anot?"
"No thanks."
'Keep trying! Girls are ALL materialistic!'
"You know what car anot? I want to buy Lamborghini leh! Go with me to choose la, then when I'm not in Singapore you can drive my car. Most of the time I'm in Australia ma!"
"Look, I'm going to meet my BOYFRIEND now, okay? Bye."
He's so damn persistent! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Went to meet Cherry Prince after this *censored* finally gave up. And he thoroughly discouraged me from buying: Mango jacket and jumper, shoes and other stuff I can't remember. I WANT MY MANGO STUFF DAMNIT! T______T
I managed to get my dessert and his sunblock by pretending to be angry with him though! He didn't even know I was buying the sunblock for him! Hehehe. No more sunburn after Sunday soccer, babycakes! =D
European Caramel Custard
Banana Creme Brulee
Both weren't up to expectations though. Maybe I'm too spoilt when it comes to food!
Time for bed. Good night! =D
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
No other way to put it. Cherry Prince's internship sucks. 9AM-6PM my ass. More like 8.30AM to 8PM. It's already 7.30 and still not done. WTF? Better have OT or else.............. -_-
Boring like fuck. Stucked at home cuz I'm not feeling well. Didn't even go and be a loser in school lor. Then Mr. Gary pangseh-ed me. Nevermind la, I don't think I'm well enough to even crawl to his house. -_-
Back to rottage.
Back to rottage.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
School A.K.A Training Camp
Many many things to say.
1) SP survey on teachers works.
Some lectures that I used to sit through and hated totally became very entertaining. So far I only attended one lecture which I hated and tuned out of. For the rest, even though I was sitting alone at the back, they just felt like entertaining and educational movies.
The old lecturer tactic used to be this: act strict and fierce, and if nobody gives a damn, give up.
The current one: pakat with the students, be their friend, understand them, let them understand you, and try to be humourous.
It REALLY works. Just that sometimes the little jokes fall cold and.... LT8 is cold enough if you get my drift.
I think the lecturers try really really hard cuz their jokes seem quite cheoreographed. I can imagine them preparing their speech and practicing in front of a mirror at home. Sometimes it appears that they try too hard though... Cuz nobody laughs. Or maybe we were just tired. =)
2) SP is trying to make their SB students damn fit and macho hence they made SB into a training camp. This is top secret. Nobody knows!

That what I carried home from school today. 6KG if you can't see clearly. Excluding laptop and charger which amounts to 9KG or more.
And they want us to bring all of these to school on Tuesdays. If this isn't training camp what is? I decided to give up heels and am considering using a backpack...
3) Guide on how to look like a loser in school.
Go everywhere alone. Sit in a 8-class (that's 160 people) lecture alone. Go to the library alone to rot during breaks. Yay. Jerina is a loser! =D
4) Guide on how to survive looking like a loser in school.
Find entertainment whenever there isn't lesson. Sms friends (FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!) or boyfriend (BOYFRIENDDDDD!!!!) during lesson. (While paying attention of course.) Act busy if you're really rotting. Don't look people in the eye unless they say hi to you first. Laugh about being a loser in school after school with friends.
Whee. I survived being a loser in school! =D
BTW I look like a fucking nerd walking around with a gigantic bag and carrying three thick books in my arms. KNS. -_-
5) OUCH event today plus special message.
The FF tutor (who was my BFI tutor last semester) asked me:
"Jerina, I thought there was a guy always following you around last sem?"
"Ya, Joel la."
"Ohh~ What happened to him ar?"
"I dunno, he disappeared since last semester."
*understanding look + nod*
All these in front of my classmates. But this isn't as bad as what happened in FA tutorial last semester where the tutor asked me exactly what happened in front of the whole class. -_-
The best part is cuz I was sitting at the back of the class alone (again), I had to keep the two spare copies for "the guy following me around last sem" and Siew Hoon.
Message to Mr. Disappearing Trick:
I don't mind keeping it for SH cuz she at the very least treats me like a friend even though she skips lesson a lot but I AM NO HOLY MOTHER OF SAINTS AND EVEN MORE AM NOT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING NANNY. Come for your fucking lessons and GET YOUR FUCKING NOTES YOURSELF cuz I DON'T OWE YOU ANY FUCKING THING. You wanna get them come to CCK. I'm not gonna carry them around waiting for you to drag your lazy ass to school. MY BAG IS HEAVY ENOUGH AS IT IS, THANKS.
1) SP survey on teachers works.
Some lectures that I used to sit through and hated totally became very entertaining. So far I only attended one lecture which I hated and tuned out of. For the rest, even though I was sitting alone at the back, they just felt like entertaining and educational movies.
The old lecturer tactic used to be this: act strict and fierce, and if nobody gives a damn, give up.
The current one: pakat with the students, be their friend, understand them, let them understand you, and try to be humourous.
It REALLY works. Just that sometimes the little jokes fall cold and.... LT8 is cold enough if you get my drift.
I think the lecturers try really really hard cuz their jokes seem quite cheoreographed. I can imagine them preparing their speech and practicing in front of a mirror at home. Sometimes it appears that they try too hard though... Cuz nobody laughs. Or maybe we were just tired. =)
2) SP is trying to make their SB students damn fit and macho hence they made SB into a training camp. This is top secret. Nobody knows!
That what I carried home from school today. 6KG if you can't see clearly. Excluding laptop and charger which amounts to 9KG or more.
And they want us to bring all of these to school on Tuesdays. If this isn't training camp what is? I decided to give up heels and am considering using a backpack...
3) Guide on how to look like a loser in school.
Go everywhere alone. Sit in a 8-class (that's 160 people) lecture alone. Go to the library alone to rot during breaks. Yay. Jerina is a loser! =D
4) Guide on how to survive looking like a loser in school.
Find entertainment whenever there isn't lesson. Sms friends (FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!) or boyfriend (BOYFRIENDDDDD!!!!) during lesson. (While paying attention of course.) Act busy if you're really rotting. Don't look people in the eye unless they say hi to you first. Laugh about being a loser in school after school with friends.
Whee. I survived being a loser in school! =D
BTW I look like a fucking nerd walking around with a gigantic bag and carrying three thick books in my arms. KNS. -_-
5) OUCH event today plus special message.
The FF tutor (who was my BFI tutor last semester) asked me:
"Jerina, I thought there was a guy always following you around last sem?"
"Ya, Joel la."
"Ohh~ What happened to him ar?"
"I dunno, he disappeared since last semester."
*understanding look + nod*
All these in front of my classmates. But this isn't as bad as what happened in FA tutorial last semester where the tutor asked me exactly what happened in front of the whole class. -_-
The best part is cuz I was sitting at the back of the class alone (again), I had to keep the two spare copies for "the guy following me around last sem" and Siew Hoon.
Message to Mr. Disappearing Trick:
I don't mind keeping it for SH cuz she at the very least treats me like a friend even though she skips lesson a lot but I AM NO HOLY MOTHER OF SAINTS AND EVEN MORE AM NOT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING NANNY. Come for your fucking lessons and GET YOUR FUCKING NOTES YOURSELF cuz I DON'T OWE YOU ANY FUCKING THING. You wanna get them come to CCK. I'm not gonna carry them around waiting for you to drag your lazy ass to school. MY BAG IS HEAVY ENOUGH AS IT IS, THANKS.
Monday, October 13, 2008
First day of school
In AY 2008, Year 2 Semester 2.
I'm blogging so damn early cuz I have a three hour break from 10AM-1PM.
I woke up at the unearthly hour of 6AM cuz I have a 8AM lesson- Business Law tutorial. It's a boring subject but somewhat refreshing from the usual modules we have. And the teacher tried his best to make it as un-boring as possible but I think I still drove my hardworking classmate nuts with my chatter cuz... I was yawning until I cried and had flu. -_-
I kpo-ed last semester while Cherry Prince studied his Law and Ethics modules which made me one big smart ass in class today cuz I tend to answer questions when I'm too bored. Well... More participation points I hope, just for looking retarded. =(
The teacher is NICE. I asked for exemption from bringing my laptop cuz it's not configured and he agreed! YAYNESS. =D
That reminds me. I want to complain about the MRT! I'm going to complain here at least 2-3 times a week cuz I have 8AM and 9AM lessons. T_T
I ALMOST BROKE MY THUMB ON THE TRAIN TODAY OKAY! I was squashed in the middle holding the pole when suddenly at Bukit Gombak or Bukit Batok, MORE PEOPLE FORCED THEIR WAY IN. We were already packed like sardines and touching each other, THE TRAIN WAS FULL, MIND YOU, and they just crammed in like there's no tomorrow. Forcing the guy next to me to lean his full weight PLUS I don't know how many other peoples' onto my arm. I was stuck at this angle where I can't free my hand until my thumb gave way. FUCKNESS....
And what's with those pokey paper bags people like to bring on the train? This lady brought in a few and they were poking my legs like nobody's business. I was unusually calm and managed to ignore it. I swear if it were before I knew Cherry Prince I'd make sure her bag has no pokey bits left. (Meaning I SMASH THE SHIT OUT OF THE FUCKING MOTHER OF POKEINESS!!! Meaning the paper bag.) Bah.
I think we need more poles in the MRT too. I counted at least 10 hands stacked on the pole I was holding. And when I lifted my head I banged right into this guy's underarm or something. GROSS LA!
Okay, end of MRT rant.
I met my ex-classmate Edmund to get notes. He's a super Mr. Nice and he practically donated them to me. Don't even need to photocopy! I'm touched! *sniff sniff* Hehe.
Oh yeah, and I met my long lost 'brother' Raymond when I entered the train as he exited. He gave me a super O_O face. Cute la.
Well now I'm home and eating noodles lovingly cooked by the Empress. Whee.
I'm blogging so damn early cuz I have a three hour break from 10AM-1PM.
I woke up at the unearthly hour of 6AM cuz I have a 8AM lesson- Business Law tutorial. It's a boring subject but somewhat refreshing from the usual modules we have. And the teacher tried his best to make it as un-boring as possible but I think I still drove my hardworking classmate nuts with my chatter cuz... I was yawning until I cried and had flu. -_-
I kpo-ed last semester while Cherry Prince studied his Law and Ethics modules which made me one big smart ass in class today cuz I tend to answer questions when I'm too bored. Well... More participation points I hope, just for looking retarded. =(
The teacher is NICE. I asked for exemption from bringing my laptop cuz it's not configured and he agreed! YAYNESS. =D
That reminds me. I want to complain about the MRT! I'm going to complain here at least 2-3 times a week cuz I have 8AM and 9AM lessons. T_T
I ALMOST BROKE MY THUMB ON THE TRAIN TODAY OKAY! I was squashed in the middle holding the pole when suddenly at Bukit Gombak or Bukit Batok, MORE PEOPLE FORCED THEIR WAY IN. We were already packed like sardines and touching each other, THE TRAIN WAS FULL, MIND YOU, and they just crammed in like there's no tomorrow. Forcing the guy next to me to lean his full weight PLUS I don't know how many other peoples' onto my arm. I was stuck at this angle where I can't free my hand until my thumb gave way. FUCKNESS....
And what's with those pokey paper bags people like to bring on the train? This lady brought in a few and they were poking my legs like nobody's business. I was unusually calm and managed to ignore it. I swear if it were before I knew Cherry Prince I'd make sure her bag has no pokey bits left. (Meaning I SMASH THE SHIT OUT OF THE FUCKING MOTHER OF POKEINESS!!! Meaning the paper bag.) Bah.
I think we need more poles in the MRT too. I counted at least 10 hands stacked on the pole I was holding. And when I lifted my head I banged right into this guy's underarm or something. GROSS LA!
Okay, end of MRT rant.
I met my ex-classmate Edmund to get notes. He's a super Mr. Nice and he practically donated them to me. Don't even need to photocopy! I'm touched! *sniff sniff* Hehe.
Oh yeah, and I met my long lost 'brother' Raymond when I entered the train as he exited. He gave me a super O_O face. Cute la.
Well now I'm home and eating noodles lovingly cooked by the Empress. Whee.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Okay I've had more and more things in my "Things I want" list so I'm just gonna put it up here. In no particular order:
(I googled the images)
1) Lamborghini

2) Sony Cybershot T700

3) Guess bag (not this exact one)

4) Diamond ring

5) iTouch

6) Feather pillows!

7) $10,000 Sealy bed

8) Niceeee bedsheet sets

There are more but I have to sleep... Good night!
Updated! =D
(I googled the images)
1) Lamborghini
2) Sony Cybershot T700
3) Guess bag (not this exact one)
4) Diamond ring
5) iTouch
6) Feather pillows!
7) $10,000 Sealy bed
8) Niceeee bedsheet sets
Updated! =D
Out with the English Royal Family...
They picked me up at 1.30PM and we headed to Tampines for a Hari Raya visit.
The people we visited are so damn rich! Landed property with a giant hall, vast garden, outdoor living room, gigantic plasma television in the bedroom, imported italian mahogany furniture with marble, giant silk carpets and much much more. Not to mention that their only son has a Mac with a giant screen, PS3 with game drum set, keyboard and electric guitar. And double bed. -___-
We rotted there until 5PM or later before we managed to have 'lunch' cuz so many people were visiting them and they wanted to eat with us so they had to entertain their other guests first while we waited in the outdoor living room and they took turns to sit and chat with us. Popular leh!
After 'lunch' was shopping at Bugis OG. We had to find accessories for my aunt cuz my cousin is getting married next Saturday! We spent like two hours there cuz my godmother was fussing over almost all the items at the Paris Bijoux counter. -_- Ended up getting a Swarovski necklace and earring set for my aunt and a pearl and Swarovski necklace and earring set for my granny as well as a pair of pearl earrings for my godmother.
Total spendage : SGD 279 (50% sale!)
Freebies: Paris Bijoux Watch (which I took cuz I need one for exams and it's really nice anyway) and OG pearls (the one you get from inside the oyster... My godmother took them to put on jewellery or something and asked me to get more).
They also got a formal skirt for me! Whee. Stupid formal wear for school presentations... I always have to wear some giant oversized pants cuz nowhere in Singapore I can find my size. But the skirt can be altered! Yay.
Total spendage: SGD 32.90
Went for dinner at Mirama Hotel Ikoi Japanese Restaurant. Japanese buffet yay! You know I'm a pig and I can eat the restaurant broke! Hehehe.

Mixed sashimi set! We had two of these sets!

Salmon sashimi! I had three of these myself.
Yes I'm a PIG OKAY.
No more photos cuz I was too busy eating~ But here's what else we had:
Salmon sashimi appetiser (3 slices each)
Mixed tempura set (2 sets)
Prawn tempura set (for me)
Fresh tomato with japanese mayonnaise (-_-? I ate half anyway)
Somethingy tofu (I don't eat tofu...)
Somethingy nabe (I'm not swearing, it's the paper steamboat thing)
And I don't remember the rest cuz I was busy stuffing my little face with the above mentioned items like a pig.
My godparents just came back from Hokkaido! Unfortunately they were only given an hour's shopping time so they couldn't get clothes for me but my godfather really really wanted to buy something back for me so when their flight was interrupted during transit they combed the airport... And found...
Shiseido Zen pressed powder
Shiseido eyelash curler
Eyelash curlkeeper spray
Fake eyelashes
OMG. On that day itself I was considering perming my lashes cuz I can't find a curler that fits my eye and my godmother got all the items I need! The eyelash curler FITS. HAPPY!!!!
My godmother also carried a lovely pink bag yesterday. I mentioned that I needed a bag like that for school... So she went home with a paper bag and I got my lovely pink bag. T_T Touched... (And I'm so spoilt...)
I ALMOST got these items I wanted yesterday but there was no time (DAMNIT!):
Guess bag
Diamond ring
Cybershot camera
Geez. I have so damn many things I want but not nearly enough cash! I need the ka-chings. Will it drop from the sky again? $_$
They picked me up at 1.30PM and we headed to Tampines for a Hari Raya visit.
The people we visited are so damn rich! Landed property with a giant hall, vast garden, outdoor living room, gigantic plasma television in the bedroom, imported italian mahogany furniture with marble, giant silk carpets and much much more. Not to mention that their only son has a Mac with a giant screen, PS3 with game drum set, keyboard and electric guitar. And double bed. -___-
We rotted there until 5PM or later before we managed to have 'lunch' cuz so many people were visiting them and they wanted to eat with us so they had to entertain their other guests first while we waited in the outdoor living room and they took turns to sit and chat with us. Popular leh!
After 'lunch' was shopping at Bugis OG. We had to find accessories for my aunt cuz my cousin is getting married next Saturday! We spent like two hours there cuz my godmother was fussing over almost all the items at the Paris Bijoux counter. -_- Ended up getting a Swarovski necklace and earring set for my aunt and a pearl and Swarovski necklace and earring set for my granny as well as a pair of pearl earrings for my godmother.
Total spendage : SGD 279 (50% sale!)
Freebies: Paris Bijoux Watch (which I took cuz I need one for exams and it's really nice anyway) and OG pearls (the one you get from inside the oyster... My godmother took them to put on jewellery or something and asked me to get more).
They also got a formal skirt for me! Whee. Stupid formal wear for school presentations... I always have to wear some giant oversized pants cuz nowhere in Singapore I can find my size. But the skirt can be altered! Yay.
Total spendage: SGD 32.90
Went for dinner at Mirama Hotel Ikoi Japanese Restaurant. Japanese buffet yay! You know I'm a pig and I can eat the restaurant broke! Hehehe.
Mixed sashimi set! We had two of these sets!
Salmon sashimi! I had three of these myself.
Yes I'm a PIG OKAY.
No more photos cuz I was too busy eating~ But here's what else we had:
Salmon sashimi appetiser (3 slices each)
Mixed tempura set (2 sets)
Prawn tempura set (for me)
Fresh tomato with japanese mayonnaise (-_-? I ate half anyway)
Somethingy tofu (I don't eat tofu...)
Somethingy nabe (I'm not swearing, it's the paper steamboat thing)
And I don't remember the rest cuz I was busy stuffing my little face with the above mentioned items like a pig.
My godparents just came back from Hokkaido! Unfortunately they were only given an hour's shopping time so they couldn't get clothes for me but my godfather really really wanted to buy something back for me so when their flight was interrupted during transit they combed the airport... And found...
Shiseido Zen pressed powder
Shiseido eyelash curler
Eyelash curlkeeper spray
Fake eyelashes
OMG. On that day itself I was considering perming my lashes cuz I can't find a curler that fits my eye and my godmother got all the items I need! The eyelash curler FITS. HAPPY!!!!
My godmother also carried a lovely pink bag yesterday. I mentioned that I needed a bag like that for school... So she went home with a paper bag and I got my lovely pink bag. T_T Touched... (And I'm so spoilt...)
I ALMOST got these items I wanted yesterday but there was no time (DAMNIT!):
Guess bag
Diamond ring
Cybershot camera
Geez. I have so damn many things I want but not nearly enough cash! I need the ka-chings. Will it drop from the sky again? $_$
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Can't sleep...
It's back to the old times where I feel like staying in a corner of my room to squat and doodle a circle on the floor with a dark cloud on top of my head... Maybe one day I'll doodle so much that my tiles erode and people will pay to see my amazing feat?
Didn't I change... I seem to be falling back into old habits where I feel annoyed by myself... Wasn't there a big bright shining star that took away all my dark clouds and brought me out into the light? Did it distance from me today? Why do I feel the cold surrounding me again, the emptiness invading my heart, the thoughts driving me nuts and preventing me from sleeping?
My heart problem offically came back today. I have no idea why or how. Vasovagal syncope is just a part of it. No cure, no medication, no remedy. I don't know how to survive school this time round.
I didn't want to pass out just now so I struggled to stay... Maybe now I would welcome the blacking out, the sounds distancing, the blood leaving my head, just so I can stop thinking and have these fucking feelings leave me...
Didn't I change... I seem to be falling back into old habits where I feel annoyed by myself... Wasn't there a big bright shining star that took away all my dark clouds and brought me out into the light? Did it distance from me today? Why do I feel the cold surrounding me again, the emptiness invading my heart, the thoughts driving me nuts and preventing me from sleeping?
My heart problem offically came back today. I have no idea why or how. Vasovagal syncope is just a part of it. No cure, no medication, no remedy. I don't know how to survive school this time round.
I didn't want to pass out just now so I struggled to stay... Maybe now I would welcome the blacking out, the sounds distancing, the blood leaving my head, just so I can stop thinking and have these fucking feelings leave me...
Whee. Part 4!
Lol. This mood is never going to end until Monday.... Cuz Cherry Prince is starting internship and I have lessons from 8AM to 5PM. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T
Hmm. I was supposed to work today but the event company's client keeps changing their mind so I got pissed off when the pay was reduced from $20 per hour to $15 per hour along with other requirements.... So I ended up not working.
Woke up early at 11.30AM to meet Cherry Prince after his internship interview which went well! Yay. Went to school to get his sister's library book and apply for my admin card.
I swear I have the most expensive card in SP or something. It cost me $31.90 so far already ok! Diu... -_- SP really knows how to make money. Enrol, pay $10.50 for admin card first. Defer one year, sorry, need to change the date on your admin card, make new one, please pay $10.70 (cuz GST increase!) AND return your old one. Lost your card, pay another $10.70 and make police report! -____-
G2000 at IMM after that! We got 2 formal shirts each. Luckily we were able to find our sizes there! Both of us are like XS-es man. Sale again! Everything was at half price. Whee!
Went to Cherry Prince's house to crash for 5 minutes then headed to Yew Tee to meet Feng and Wei Rong for dinner. Had a stupid incident with their old army friend...
Headed back to Cherry Prince's house again to crash for 20 minutes then we went to Lot One to get another pair of work pants for Cherry Prince. We went to the arcade after that! I haven't been there in AGES. We blew 5 bucks on Daytona (which we didn't even manage to play against each other) and some shooting game which is a total rip-off. You're given 100HP and everytime someone hits you, you get 10+HP deducted. That one still nevermind cuz if you're fast enough you won't get hit much. After the boss level, every leech that jumps on you costs 6HP and THERE ARE SO FUCKING MANY! Don't play that game, lol.
DotA time!
FENG disconnected while in Goldfish's team and we pwned the Scourge. 'Nuff said. Not a proud victory cuz it was two versus one.
Hmm. I was supposed to work today but the event company's client keeps changing their mind so I got pissed off when the pay was reduced from $20 per hour to $15 per hour along with other requirements.... So I ended up not working.
Woke up early at 11.30AM to meet Cherry Prince after his internship interview which went well! Yay. Went to school to get his sister's library book and apply for my admin card.
I swear I have the most expensive card in SP or something. It cost me $31.90 so far already ok! Diu... -_- SP really knows how to make money. Enrol, pay $10.50 for admin card first. Defer one year, sorry, need to change the date on your admin card, make new one, please pay $10.70 (cuz GST increase!) AND return your old one. Lost your card, pay another $10.70 and make police report! -____-
G2000 at IMM after that! We got 2 formal shirts each. Luckily we were able to find our sizes there! Both of us are like XS-es man. Sale again! Everything was at half price. Whee!
Went to Cherry Prince's house to crash for 5 minutes then headed to Yew Tee to meet Feng and Wei Rong for dinner. Had a stupid incident with their old army friend...
Headed back to Cherry Prince's house again to crash for 20 minutes then we went to Lot One to get another pair of work pants for Cherry Prince. We went to the arcade after that! I haven't been there in AGES. We blew 5 bucks on Daytona (which we didn't even manage to play against each other) and some shooting game which is a total rip-off. You're given 100HP and everytime someone hits you, you get 10+HP deducted. That one still nevermind cuz if you're fast enough you won't get hit much. After the boss level, every leech that jumps on you costs 6HP and THERE ARE SO FUCKING MANY! Don't play that game, lol.
DotA time!
FENG disconnected while in Goldfish's team and we pwned the Scourge. 'Nuff said. Not a proud victory cuz it was two versus one.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Whee. Part 3!
Continuation of the previous post cuz it's a damn long entry.
We woke up at 11AM cuz we wanted to go to Bugis (again) but it was raining (again!) so we changed plans and ended up shopping at Lot One. Lucky for us actually! There were lots and lots of sales! Whee!
He bought:
2 long-sleeved shirts
1 short-sleeved shirt
1 pair of work pants
1 pair of work shoes
2 pairs of boxers
Total spendage: SGD 119.60
Which is really cheap cuz everything was on SUPER sale! It was supposed to cost around $300+ originally!
I bought:
2 polo tees
Total spendage: SGD 24
Also on sale, it was originally $52! O_O
So we are happy shoppers.
Our tea break (after shopping):

Home-made Subway Melt! =X


His! (He loves tartar sauce.)
Watched Money No Enough 2 (I know I'm behind times but MEH) while eating.
DotA-ed and FENG disconnected so we ended up making his Spectre follow behind us. -_-
Cherry Prince was pwning with his Earthshaker again and I failed miserably to display the use of Juggernaut. Sigh~!
We woke up at 11AM cuz we wanted to go to Bugis (again) but it was raining (again!) so we changed plans and ended up shopping at Lot One. Lucky for us actually! There were lots and lots of sales! Whee!
He bought:
2 long-sleeved shirts
1 short-sleeved shirt
1 pair of work pants
1 pair of work shoes
2 pairs of boxers
Total spendage: SGD 119.60
Which is really cheap cuz everything was on SUPER sale! It was supposed to cost around $300+ originally!
I bought:
2 polo tees
Total spendage: SGD 24
Also on sale, it was originally $52! O_O
So we are happy shoppers.
Our tea break (after shopping):
Home-made Subway Melt! =X
His! (He loves tartar sauce.)
Watched Money No Enough 2 (I know I'm behind times but MEH) while eating.
DotA-ed and FENG disconnected so we ended up making his Spectre follow behind us. -_-
Cherry Prince was pwning with his Earthshaker again and I failed miserably to display the use of Juggernaut. Sigh~!
Whee. Part 2!
I'm still in the mood cuz Cherry Prince is with me almost 24/7! *beams*
Yesterday was good! Cherry Prince went to school for an internship briefing in the morning but I was a pig and slept until 12PM or so, then he da-bao-ed duck noodle for me. We planned to go to Bugis so I made up but it was bright and sunny so we changed plans and headed to Sentosa instead!
We were planning to get the package but it was already 3PM by the time we reached there sooooo we didn't buy it. Luckily we didn't too, otherwise it would have been wasted cuz it started drizzling halfway. AGAIN! Why does it have to rain everytime I go to Sentosa?!?!?!
Photos will do the talking!

We went to the Southernmost Point of Asia Continent!

It's Cherry Prince and Princess Prawn!
(I was damn scared at the edge!)

Pathway to... the sea.

The bridge between the Southernmost Point of Asia Continent and the little island (?) north of it. WHY DO FUCKING IDIOTS ALWAYS ROCK IT?!! ESPECIALLY WHEN I'M ON IT?! I don't see idiot rocking it when I'm not on it! WTF. I have rope burn because of those bloody fuckers. Zzz.

See those nasty things in the sky? =(

OMG it's getting worse. Zzz.

Still the same. -_-

Whee. Palawan Beach. The bottom two photos when put side by side match exactly!
Not by purpose. Hehe.

Cherry Prince and me demonstrating how to give a plastic smile at the Arid Garden.
We took a super big detour from Palawan Beach to Siloso Beach, because Cherry Prince was feeling adventureous. MY LEGS FEEL LIKE BREAKING. Left off gym too long. Getting fat also! T_T

Finally! Nearing sunset at Siloso Beach!
Damn the dark clouds....
(And the pollution behind)

We went to hide from the drizzle at Cafe Del Mar. Deja vu. The last time we were here the exact same thing happened. -_-
There was some photoshoot with sexy babes (supposedly... got san cheng rou one...) and hot (? also supposedly, I didn't notice) guys. One pretty (REALLY!) girl caught me looking at her! SHY LA. =X
I had a frozen lime margarita cuz I was really hot after all the walking but I got really cold by the time we left. Cherry Prince had two Carlsberg drafts. I didn't know draft beer is so nice! O_O
Total spendage: SGD 35.31 (damn service charge & GST....)
Urgh. The sunset was not nice because of the dark clouds. Attempt 2 for Viewing Sunset at Sentosa offically failed. =(
Headed to VivoCity for dinner at Imperial Herbal & Sinchi Cafe!
Found the restaurant that I went with my godparents the last time but couldn't eat much because I JUST pierced my tongue. Rawrs.

Cherry Prince, before eating, in a cute chair.
The chair is a hand in the OK sign!

Fish skin for nibbles?
(Which costs 3 bucks WTF we didn't even order it.)

My watermelon juice.

His orange juice.
Our 6 course meal. I forgot the dish names so I'll just assume...

Dried scallop in egg white within a crisp basket thingy..
Not bad, but Cherry Prince said it's too bland.

Sharksfin soup with ginseng and some crunchy thingy..
Cherry Prince's was super bland and mine was super sweet.
Didn't even finish it. Bleurgh.

Chicken chop in dang gui sauce!
With some spicy thingy as salad and potato chips. (like huh?)
It's nice!

Abalone with vegetables (nai bai? or so Cherry Prince says..) and qi zi?
I got sick of chewing veg after a while... I HATE VEG. Grr.

Chicken noodle... or so they say.
I spent most of the time digging out the disgusting smelly veg inside it (cuz I hate them) and it's more like chao mi fen. But it's not as dry. We were just really full and couldn't finish it.

Soursop almond jelly. I hate soursop so...

Cherry Prince was a pig and finished both cuz he loves it! And...

I settled my hasma craving!
Total spendage: SGD 109.45

And we found this in the topmost garden after dinner... Nothing spoils a beautiful view like an ugly butt indeed.
Yesterday was good! Cherry Prince went to school for an internship briefing in the morning but I was a pig and slept until 12PM or so, then he da-bao-ed duck noodle for me. We planned to go to Bugis so I made up but it was bright and sunny so we changed plans and headed to Sentosa instead!
We were planning to get the package but it was already 3PM by the time we reached there sooooo we didn't buy it. Luckily we didn't too, otherwise it would have been wasted cuz it started drizzling halfway. AGAIN! Why does it have to rain everytime I go to Sentosa?!?!?!
Photos will do the talking!
We went to the Southernmost Point of Asia Continent!
It's Cherry Prince and Princess Prawn!
(I was damn scared at the edge!)
Pathway to... the sea.
The bridge between the Southernmost Point of Asia Continent and the little island (?) north of it. WHY DO FUCKING IDIOTS ALWAYS ROCK IT?!! ESPECIALLY WHEN I'M ON IT?! I don't see idiot rocking it when I'm not on it! WTF. I have rope burn because of those bloody fuckers. Zzz.
See those nasty things in the sky? =(
OMG it's getting worse. Zzz.
Still the same. -_-
Whee. Palawan Beach. The bottom two photos when put side by side match exactly!
Not by purpose. Hehe.
Cherry Prince and me demonstrating how to give a plastic smile at the Arid Garden.
We took a super big detour from Palawan Beach to Siloso Beach, because Cherry Prince was feeling adventureous. MY LEGS FEEL LIKE BREAKING. Left off gym too long. Getting fat also! T_T
Finally! Nearing sunset at Siloso Beach!
Damn the dark clouds....
(And the pollution behind)
We went to hide from the drizzle at Cafe Del Mar. Deja vu. The last time we were here the exact same thing happened. -_-
There was some photoshoot with sexy babes (supposedly... got san cheng rou one...) and hot (? also supposedly, I didn't notice) guys. One pretty (REALLY!) girl caught me looking at her! SHY LA. =X
I had a frozen lime margarita cuz I was really hot after all the walking but I got really cold by the time we left. Cherry Prince had two Carlsberg drafts. I didn't know draft beer is so nice! O_O
Total spendage: SGD 35.31 (damn service charge & GST....)
Urgh. The sunset was not nice because of the dark clouds. Attempt 2 for Viewing Sunset at Sentosa offically failed. =(
Headed to VivoCity for dinner at Imperial Herbal & Sinchi Cafe!
Found the restaurant that I went with my godparents the last time but couldn't eat much because I JUST pierced my tongue. Rawrs.
Cherry Prince, before eating, in a cute chair.
The chair is a hand in the OK sign!
Fish skin for nibbles?
(Which costs 3 bucks WTF we didn't even order it.)
My watermelon juice.
His orange juice.
Our 6 course meal. I forgot the dish names so I'll just assume...
Dried scallop in egg white within a crisp basket thingy..
Not bad, but Cherry Prince said it's too bland.
Sharksfin soup with ginseng and some crunchy thingy..
Cherry Prince's was super bland and mine was super sweet.
Didn't even finish it. Bleurgh.
Chicken chop in dang gui sauce!
With some spicy thingy as salad and potato chips. (like huh?)
It's nice!
Abalone with vegetables (nai bai? or so Cherry Prince says..) and qi zi?
I got sick of chewing veg after a while... I HATE VEG. Grr.
Chicken noodle... or so they say.
I spent most of the time digging out the disgusting smelly veg inside it (cuz I hate them) and it's more like chao mi fen. But it's not as dry. We were just really full and couldn't finish it.
Soursop almond jelly. I hate soursop so...
Cherry Prince was a pig and finished both cuz he loves it! And...
I settled my hasma craving!
Total spendage: SGD 109.45
And we found this in the topmost garden after dinner... Nothing spoils a beautiful view like an ugly butt indeed.
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