Thursday, October 30, 2008

Miserable day =(

Urgh. Woke up to find that my tummy was in pain plus I looked like I could replace the Merlion for a while this morning.

Wanted to go to the doctor initially but I already knew what was wrong and was in too much pain to go to the doctor alone (NICE FAMILY I HAVE!) so I just rested at home waiting for the pain and queasiness to go away.

What a nice, loving family I have. I get the warm fuzzies whenever I think about it. This morning after my projectile-vomiting of bile, I asked the Empress to help me call the clinic to check what time it would open because I was feeling shaky and probably would take some time to wash up.

The Empress snapped: "You think I'm your MAID AR? This kind of thing you do YOURSELF!"

Nabeh CB KNN.

She continued: "I'm going out later. You want to see doctor you go see yourself."

....... It was 7.30AM and the clinic opens at 8.30AM while she's going out at 10 or 11+AM lor! And I was in too much pain to walk so I ended up not going. Zzz.

Anyway it has happened to me before and the problem was that I didn't eat enough. Grr. I already had three meals still not enough?! This only goes to show how much I pig out during the holidays to make my body feel that three meals are 'not enough'.

So I spent my day at home wallowing in self-pity, SMS-ing Cherry Prince and eating.
From milo to porridge to fruits to eggs, I just kept eating whenever I felt hungry. Ooh, speaking about eggs-


I had four for "tea" (in otherwise my non-stop munching)! With bread and Milo. Yummyyyyyyyyyyy. =D

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